Seeing that the zombies could not get to the roof for a while, everyone sat on the eaves to rest.

"I'm sorry, I didn't expect that the first time I brought you to my house, it would be like this." Xiao Qiang calmed down and joked to himself.

"It's okay, Xiao Qiang. I believe you can definitely defeat the zombies. We will come to your home again when the time comes." Lin Bingyan knew that Xiao Qiang was feeling sad, so she consoled her thoughtfully.

"Fortunately, we ran fast. If we had been slower, we would have been surrounded." Wang Liang said with a look of shock on his face.

"However, fortunately we ran to Longshan Park from the city early. There are so many zombies in this village, and staying in the city will only make it more dangerous." Wang Peng analyzed as he picked up his crossbow and pointed it at the zombies in the yard. .

"By the way, Wang Peng, how is your perception now?" Xiao Qiang looked at Wang Peng and asked.

"Since I used it last time to deal with that speed zombie, I feel that the range of perception has expanded a bit, but it's only 3.4 meters, so it's of little use." Wang Peng shot out a crossbow arrow and turned around and said.

The range of perception is too weak to be effective at all, and it is impossible to provoke Wang Peng every time like last time. It seems that they need to think more about how to become stronger.

"Xiao Qiang, where should we go next?" Yang Xue looked at Xiao Qiang and asked.

Most of the bases in rural areas are divided together, which also creates a scene where several houses are built next to each other.

"Go to the side and take a look. It's definitely impossible to get down here." Xiao Qiang said, looking at the howling zombies that were still baring their teeth and claws at several people in the courtyard.

Xiao Qiang led the way, and several people walked along the eaves and from the roof to the side. Xiao Qiang saw that there were many open doors next to his house, and there were several zombies wandering in the yard in twos and threes. Familiar neighbors.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Qiang's heart became more entangled, and he was also trying to calm down. Lin Bingyan saw this, walked over, and gently patted Xiao Qiang's shoulder to comfort him.

"Don't worry, I'm fine." Xiao Qiang turned his head and smiled at Lin Bingyan.

After walking through three houses in a row, Xiao Qiang finally saw a neighbor. The door was closed and blocked by heavy bookcases. There were no zombies in the yard.

"Is there anyone? Is anyone there?" Seeing this, several people shouted loudly into the yard.

After several people shouted several times, Xiao Qiang finally heard the echo.

"Is there someone, is there someone, are you here to rescue me?" Following several responses, an aunt finally poked her head out of the house and said.

Xiao Qiang saw clearly that this person was his neighbor Aunt Wang: "Aunt Wang, it's me, it's me!"

"Qiangzi, it's Qiangzi, come out quickly, it's Qiangzi." The aunt named Aunt Wang recognized Xiao Qiang and shouted into the house.

Three more people came out of the house. Xiao Qiang recognized Aunt Wang's husband Uncle Li, his son Li Chong, and Uncle Cui, an old electrician in the village.

Several people set up a wooden ladder and put Xiao Qiang and others into the courtyard.

"Brother Qiang, it's really you. You're finally back." A young man named Li Chong said happily to Xiao Qiang.

"Yes, Aunt Wang, Uncle Li, Uncle Cui, Xiao Chong, I'm back. Have you seen my parents?" Xiao Qiang said, looking at a few people.

Uncle Cui sighed, took out the shriveled cigarette case from his pocket, took out the only remaining cigarette, lit it, and said: "About three days ago, I came here to check the circuit, and suddenly I heard a noise in the vegetable market at the head of the village. . Then, I saw people running around, screaming, and more importantly, after people were bitten, they turned into those kind of man-eating monsters. The scene was like a doomsday, and there was chaos everywhere, and the police were called. No one answered.”

Uncle Cui still seemed to have lingering fears, and the hand holding the cigarette couldn't help but tremble. Xiao Qiang patted Uncle Cui on the shoulder to comfort him.

Uncle Cui took a deep breath from his cigarette and continued: "Then, I ran to your Uncle Wang's house. Until yesterday, two green trucks drove into the village, loaded with live ammunition, and a group of soldiers came down. The radio said that a military base was established on the outskirts of Lujiang City. Pick up the survivors at the base. Your parents were worried about you, so they got into the car anxiously. "

As Uncle Cui spoke, he seemed to recall a particularly terrifying experience. He put out his cigarette butt and said, "At this time, a terrifying humanoid monster appeared. Its whole body was lying on the ground. It had a particularly long tongue. As soon as it appeared, it would The two soldiers rolled down and were killed. Even the bullets fired by the machine guns were blocked by the zombies' tongues. Seeing the heavy casualties, the two trucks took the remaining people on board and fled in panic. Everyone dispersed. Strangely enough, Xiao Chong suddenly became much stronger. Thanks to Xiao Chong, we were able to block the zombie attack and hide until now. "

After hearing Uncle Cui's words, Xiao Qiang felt relieved. A base had been established in the city, and his parents would be safe for the time being. This was the only good news he had heard since entering the village.

Moreover, according to Uncle Cui's words, Li Chong's body seemed to have mutated after experiencing the white light.

"Uncle Cui, we are preparing to build a base opposite the village. We have checked and found that there are very few zombies there. And to be honest, there are also people among us who have experienced physical changes like Li Chong. Are you willing to come with us? ?" Xiao Qiang felt relieved and said to several people.

"Brother Qiang, that's good of course. I'm so scared here all day long that I don't even dare to go out." Li Chong said with joy after hearing Xiao Qiang's words.

Li Chong has a simple and honest face, and is not too tall. He is 16.7 years old. Because he was not good at studying, he dropped out of school early to work at home. His parents lived close to each other. Li Chong has loved to follow Xiao Xiao since he was a child. Play after getting strong.

"Then everyone, pack up, take your weapons, and we'll set off now. Wang Peng, go to the roof and see if there are any zombies near the pickup truck. Aunt Wang, let's go to your house to find anything useful and take it back to the park." Xiao Qiang thought about it. Now that he was in the end of the world, he didn't feel so strongly about his personal belongings, so he said to a few people.

"Okay." The other successors replied at the same time.

Xiao Qiang felt that he had misjudged the situation. He didn't expect the situation in the village to be so serious. He didn't expect that although the low-level zombies were weak, they could be so threatening in number, so that he went deep into the village alone and was besieged by zombies. He almost got in trouble if he was a little late. Therefore, at this moment, Xiao Qiang wanted to lead the team back first, and then make a long-term plan.

While Wang Peng was checking, Xiao Qiang and others searched the house. At this time, of course, they would not collect gold and silver property, jewelry, passbooks, etc. In the end of the world, food is the top priority. Several people got half a bag of flour, a small bag of rice, a barrel of oil, and some soybeans. As long as it was food, everyone took it away. Even Yang Xue carried two bags of candles, matches and other daily necessities. There was no way. In the end times, Xiao Qiang had to be thrifty.

"Brother Liang, most of the zombies beside the pickup truck have gradually dispersed to other places. This is strange. I don't know what principle these zombies follow to chase people?" Wang Peng walked back and squatted on the eaves and said to everyone.

"This question, well, we can have a meeting to study it later. But now, you come down first, we have to leave here immediately." Xiao Qiang said to Wang Peng on the eaves.

From here to the place where the car was parked just now, there are only two or three families apart. Several people opened the door and came out of the yard. There were still 10 zombies left in the whole passage.

Several people have been fighting all the way to now. They have already had a certain resistance to killing zombies, and they are not so disgusted by the zombies' broken heads and bleeding. At this moment, Wang Liang, Xiao Qiang, and Li Chong were in front, Wang Peng and Lin Bingyan were behind, and the rest were carrying things and were surrounded in the middle.

Xiao Qiang specifically told Lin Bingyan not to shoot easily unless it was necessary to avoid attracting zombies.

Xiao Qiang and the other two were leading the way, and it was relatively easy to deal with the dozen zombies.

Xiao Qiang specifically observed Li Chong. He was holding a steel fork in his hand. His strength was indeed much greater than that of ordinary people. He could even lift the entire male zombie over his head and throw it out after the steel fork was stuck in the zombie's skull. However, he should not have superpowers now, and he is at the level of a strong man like Xiao Qiang.

Not long after, several people rushed to the side of the car. After Xiao Qiang killed a zombie that climbed onto the back of the car with a dagger, there were finally no zombies in front of them.

With a "ding" prompt sound, several people quickly got into the car, stepped on the accelerator, and drove out of the village, raising dust.

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