Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 218: Each one shows off his skills (ask for the bookshelf!)

Lin Fei, however, saw the condition of Li Ke's palm and turned his head to take a look, which made Li Ke even more proud.

He shook his paw to show off, and amid the exclamations of the crowd, Li Ke was even more proud. He rushed forward and jumped high. Even though his legs did not transform, Li Ke's jumping ability was also enhanced accordingly because he had cat-type abilities. With the momentum of the forward rush, Li Ke jumped nearly 1 meter directly. When he approached the wall, he thrust his paws forward, and the solid wall had left two paw marks under Li Ke's paws.

Then, Li Ke pulled out a paw and thrust it upward. The solid wall, under Li Ke's paw, was like tofu, and became so easy. Li Ke was able to rely solely on his arm strength, and just like this, he had climbed up in a short while, and it looked very easy.

"Brother Ke is awesome."

"Brother Ke is awesome. We will definitely gain a lot by following him."

"Of course. Brother Ke is so awesome. It's much easier for him to fight zombies."

. . . . . . .

Listening to the praise from below, Li Ke was even more proud. He walked to the side of the escalator and directly cut the lock hanging on it with one claw. He put the escalator down and the people below began to climb up one by one.

After doing all this, Li Ke's hands turned back to normal and looked at Lin Fei. However, Lin Fei only looked at Li Ke curiously when his hands just turned into cat claws, and then he had already returned to his state.

Seeing that there were still people climbing up here, Wang Peng walked in front of Lin Fei and said, "Lin Fei, the other side will be troubled by you."

Lin Fei glanced at Wang Peng, nodded, and holding the double knives, the remaining 50 people moved to the other side of the wall.

Li Ke saw that while he was calling on the people who had come up to stand on the roof for defense, he was looking at Lin Fei with interest, wanting to see how he climbed to the roof.

When Lin Fei reached the front of the wall, he jumped directly under the wall and jumped more than two meters high. The people below were amazed. Even Li Ke on the opposite roof felt that Lin Fei's physical fitness was strong enough. He didn't need to run up. He jumped more than two meters high with just one jump.

However, this was not too surprising in the end times. Lin Fei was already a strong man at level 6, and he was about to reach level 7 recently. His physical fitness was much better than that of ordinary people. In addition, Lin Fei was usually addicted to exercise, so his body was stronger. Although he didn't look so strong from the outside, he was actually full of muscles.

He jumped more than two meters high, and in the air, he directly pulled out his two swords, and thrust his right hand hard, and the Qiu Shui sword had already poked a hole in the wall. Lin Fei continued to move upwards, pulling out the Autumn Water Knife and inserting another steel knife into the wall. Although the other steel knife was not as sharp as the Autumn Water Knife, it was also a refined steel knife that Lin Fei exchanged for black gold. With Lin Fei's powerful strength, he could easily insert it into the wall.

Lin Fei used two knives to continuously insert into the wall. After a few ups and downs, he had reached the top of the building. It sounds complicated, but in fact the process was very fast, even faster than Li Ke climbed to the top of the building, and it seemed easier.

"Lin Fei is so amazing, he climbed up so easily."

"It looks so easy. We will definitely have no problem fighting zombies if we follow them."

"I've heard before that Lin Fei dared to break into the Black Wind Base alone and make trouble with Lu Bai. It seems that his strength is indeed not weak."

. . . . . . .

Listening to the praise and discussion of the people below, Lin Fei seemed to have heard nothing. He walked to the side of the escalator, cut the iron chain with a knife, put the escalator down, put the knife back into the sheath, and walked to the side with his two knives.

Wang Peng below saw this and left a barely perceptible smile on his face. It seems that Brother Qiang has found another powerful assistant. No wonder Brother Qiang asked Lin Fei to help when he and others were in danger.

Li Ke, who was upstairs on the other side, smiled slightly and sighed in his heart: "It seems that Lin Fei is not completely incompetent, but whether he is better than me or not, I don't know yet."

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