Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 219 Start Shooting (Ask for bookshelf!)

Wang Peng was a cautious person and did not arrange for everyone to go to the roof. He left 5 people under the walls on both sides, just in case, they could take care of each other downstairs. Of course, Wang Peng also arranged for the people downstairs to start the car, so that they could escape in time if they encountered something wrong.

After everyone else went to the roof, Wang Peng also climbed to the roof on the side where Lin Fei was. It would be okay if Lin Fei charged forward to kill the zombies, but it would probably not work if he was asked to command.

Wang Peng and Li Ke led people to the other side and looked downstairs. There was a large area of ​​black people, at least more than 100 zombies, surrounding the bottom of the building, one by one with sharp claws and fangs in their mouths, constantly attacking the defense of the vehicles in front. Of course, some zombies have been alarmed by the people on the roofs on both sides, surrounding the bottom of the building, stretching out their claws, crowding forward, and scratching the wall with their claws.

There were still zombies rushing over from behind, while the zombies in front were constantly squeezed in front of the car or the wall. The zombies near the car found Wang Peng and others and kept running back, squeezing together with the people rushing over. In fact, because the zombies kept rushing forward, the zombies formed a pile in the narrow space in front, and the zombies in the back stepped on the zombies in front. Moreover, as there were more and more zombies, the defense formed by the bombed car in front began to loosen.

Seeing this, Wang Peng signaled to Li Ke to attack downwards quickly to attract the zombies to this side of the wall and reduce the impact on the car. Li Ke also saw the situation below clearly, and commanded the more than 50 people behind him to line up in a row, close to the position of the zombies below. Li Ke also arranged two layers of personnel.

"Everyone, start shooting at the zombies below, shooting from near to far according to their respective positions, and try to fire in bursts. There is no danger for the time being, so save bullets and aim and shoot. Also, obey my command at any time." Li Ke shouted loudly to the people on his side.

Because Li Ke's voice was loud enough, Wang Peng on the other side also heard Li Ke's arrangement. Wang Peng also felt that Li Ke was quite good at commanding, and immediately began to arrange personnel according to Li Ke. However, Wang Peng also specially arranged more than 10 people to clear out the zombies at the car defense first. Because even if the zombies over there heard their movements upstairs, due to the continuous attack of the zombies behind them, they would be blocked there even if they wanted to come over after hearing the movement, and they would keep shaking and attacking the defense set up at the car, and the car would be constantly rushed out. If they were really attacked by the zombies, then the people upstairs would be in danger, so Wang Peng was still quite careful and arranged personnel to get rid of the zombies there first, so that they could not form an attack.

As soon as Li Ke waved his hand, the people on both sides began to aim with machine guns, and the sound of "da da da" continued to ring. According to Li Ke's arrangement, everyone aimed at the zombies first and then shot. However, with such a dense crowd of zombies, even if you don't aim, you can still accurately hit the zombies by shooting directly below.

Below the shopping mall, there are still zombies running towards here on this road. The zombies behind stepped on the zombies in front to move forward. Near the wall, the tallest zombie has reached a position of 5 meters, baring its teeth and claws and roaring at the people on the roof.

Under the shooting of the crowd, a lot of zombie corpses were piled up under the shopping mall, and dirty blood was flowing. The zombies behind kept stepping on the corpses of those zombies to move forward, and even the organs of the body were trampled out. In addition, the weather was relatively hot, and a foul smell kept floating upstairs. It would be better not to look down. Some people aimed and shot down and couldn't help but vomit.

As more zombies joined, they piled up downstairs. The top zombie was getting closer and closer to the roof. Fortunately, the number of zombies joining was gradually decreasing. It was estimated that there were not many zombies near this road.

Wang Peng had been commanding and had not taken any action. Now he saw that although the number of zombies was decreasing due to everyone's continuous shooting, more and more zombies were squeezed to the edge of the wall due to the accumulation of zombie bodies. The zombies were standing higher and higher. The highest zombie had already stood at a position of about 5 meters, and the height was still rising.

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