Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 220: Shoot three arrows directly (ask for bookshelf!)

Taking out the crescent bow, Wang Peng directly placed three arrows on it. His right leg was backward and slightly bent. He held the crescent bow and fully pulled the bow string. With three "swish, swish" sounds, the three arrows shot directly. Came out. Two bows and arrows were shot at the heads of the two zombies climbing at the highest point. Hit by the powerful arrows, the two zombies were directly knocked away and fell backwards.

The other arrow shot directly towards a zombie in the middle. It was a zombie in the lower middle. It was strong and fat. After the mutation, it looked very big. He was very conspicuous among the zombies, but due to their inconvenience in movement, other zombies stood on top of his body and climbed to the top of the building. With him supporting them below, the height of the pile of zombies became higher and higher. .

Wang Peng discovered this situation, and the remaining arrow shot directly towards the head of the obese zombie. The obese zombie slowly raised his fat palm to block his head. However, Wang Peng's arrow was powerful enough. It penetrated the zombie's palm with one blow and also shot into the zombie's head.

The obese zombie that was shot by Wang Peng's arrow had a stream of dirty blood mixed with white substance flowing out from its head. The obese zombie was shot by an arrow and covered his head with his hand, which was connected by the arrow. Together, they let out a dull roar, and the fat zombie fell to the side. With a "boom", as the fat zombie fell to the ground, the zombies standing on the fat zombie all fell to the ground from above because of the fat zombie's fall. . The height of the zombie group on his side dropped a bit, but the zombies behind him soon continued to surge up, stepping on the fallen zombies, continuing to extend their claws, roaring, and climbing upwards.

Fortunately, because of Wang Peng's three arrows, the climbing momentum of the zombies in his commercial building was temporarily relieved, and the height raised by the zombies was also greatly reduced. However, the zombies on Li Ke's side on the other side are indeed climbing higher and higher, and the highest zombie has climbed to a height of 7 meters. Because it is close to the wall of a commercial building, unlike the commercial building where Wang Peng is located, there are eaves on the roof. Li Ke and others wanted to shoot the zombies close to the wall in that commercial building, but it was not easy because of the angle of standing on the roof. Shot to.

Wang Peng saw this and thought that if these zombies were allowed to climb to the roof, Li Ke and the others would be in danger. He cast his eyes towards the wall of the commercial building opposite, and having an idea, he took out three more arrows, fully drew the bowstring, aimed his eyes, and let go of his hand, "swish, swish, swish", but the three arrows were pointing in different directions. Came out.

Lin Fei on the side never made a move, leaning lazily against the corner because he didn't like to use firearms and only liked to use his double knives, but he was far away from the zombies and couldn't reach the zombies with his double knives. I could only lean against the corner alone and watch Wang Peng instructing everyone to fight zombies. However, fortunately, it is safe enough now and there are sufficient personnel, so Lin Fei does not need to take action.

Just now, Lin Fei was shocked when he saw the three arrows shot by Wang Peng. The three arrows were shot out so fast and in different directions. At the same time, they could hit the zombie's head so accurately. Astonished by Wang Peng's superb archery skills, Lin Fei couldn't help but feel that Xiao Qiang's men were really crouching tigers, hidden dragons. First, there was Li Ke, who could transform into a cat type, and now there is another Wang Peng who has the same archery skills. It's amazing. It seems that I can't underestimate everyone in the base. Although I am in the lead now, I still have to work harder.

It turned out that just now Wang Peng saw a huge GG banner nailed to the wall of the commercial building where Li Ke and the others were standing. What also surprised Lin Fei was that the three arrows shot by Wang Peng hit the three corners of GG respectively. And Lin Fei could see clearly that every arrow hit the iron rod that GG had nailed to the wall. With such powerful force, the arrows directly penetrated the iron rod.

The large GG banner lost its support and fell down diagonally, just hitting the group of climbing zombies. With a "boom", all the zombies fell to the ground. Even the remaining iron rod could not support the weight. The entire GG banner fell to the ground. With a "bang", it fell on the ground. On the zombies that fell to the ground.

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