Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 221: Sudden Attack (Ask for bookshelf!)

Seeing this, Li Ke gave Wang Peng a thumbs up, and at the same time, he had already picked up a burning piece of wood. He threw it towards the GG banner, and the wood fell on top of the GG banner in a circle. With a "boom", the GG banner was made of plastic, and it was lit by the firewood and burned all of a sudden. Moreover, the burning plastic was attached to the zombies below, igniting the clothes on the zombies, and even the zombies below were on fire. In an instant, a big fire broke out below, and many zombies were also ignited. The zombies were suppressed by the GG sign and began to run around. The group of zombies also made more shrill howls, and the whole scene below looked even more chaotic.

In such hot weather, everyone on the roof was already feeling very hot, and now there was a fire below, and everyone couldn't help but want to retreat. However, the zombies downstairs were not afraid of the fire, and they kept rushing forward, stretching their claws towards the roof, trying to climb up. Even the big fire gradually became smaller and extinguished under continuous trampling, and the people on the roof returned to their original positions and continued to shoot.

At this time, under the continuous shooting of the crowd, at least 1,000 zombies were killed below. The densely packed corpses were lined up downstairs. The dirty blood below and the liquid flowing out of the zombies' bodies dyed the entire ground. Under the sunlight, a pungent stench was emitted. Many people couldn't help but vomit just by smelling the smell, let alone looking at it. Of course, Wang Peng also vomited while commanding.

Now there are really few people who can hold on, stand in their original positions, aim and shoot. Most people extend their machine guns out of the eaves, take a look at the zombies from a distance, and then shoot. Seeing this, Wang Peng didn't know what to say. After all, even he didn't want to take a second look at the situation below, let alone them. Fortunately, there are only a dozen zombies running from a distance. It seems that there are so many zombies near the supermarket. Moreover, there are only about 200 zombies left under the shopping mall. Even if everyone slows down the speed of fighting zombies, there is no danger for the time being.

Just when everyone felt that the battle was settled and felt that the situation below was a bit disgusting, they relaxed. Suddenly, Lin Fei, who had not made a move, moved. The thumb of his right hand gently pushed upwards, and the Qiushui Knife was gently pushed out of the scabbard. At the same time, the whole person turned his head, his eyes were electric, and he looked directly at the end of the eaves.

Wang Peng heard the movement, turned his head, and looked at Lin Fei's side. I saw that Lin Fei rushed to the end of the eaves with a "squeeze". The whole person flew into the air and pulled the two people in front to the roof behind. The two fell to the ground on the roof. After being pulled, they were a little angry and wanted to see who pulled them down. But he saw that Lin Fei in front of him had already stood on the eaves. Under the sunlight, the double swords reflected light and looked very dazzling. At the same time, when the sun shone, Lin Fei's tall and slender figure directly cast a long shadow. The two people who fell to the ground only felt that Lin Fei was extremely tall.

Lin Fei, who jumped onto the eaves, had already drawn out his double swords, bent his legs slightly, and raised the double swords crosswise above his head. With a "clang" sound, a tail hit Lin Fei's Qiushui Knife heavily. The powerful force made even Lin Fei unable to help but bend his body down a little, push upward with force, and block the tail. At the same time, he slashed with his double swords and took a fighting posture.

"Hurry up and retreat." Lin Fei was a man of few words. At this moment, he said to the people who were still standing on the eaves and shooting with guns.

What happened just now was extremely fast. Everyone was still shooting zombies as usual when they saw Lin Fei had already jumped onto the eaves. With a slash of his two swords, he had already blocked a long, black, hard substance that was like a tail. Hearing Lin Fei's words, everyone turned their heads, but they didn't know whether to retreat.

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