Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 222 Long-tailed Zombie (ask for bookshelf!)

Because although they could clearly see that Lin Fei was very powerful, Wang Peng had been in command just now. Although some people saw Lin Fei blocking a blow just now, they still hesitated when they suddenly heard Lin Fei roar.

However, Wang Peng, who was standing behind, could see clearly. It turned out that Lin Fei was standing there just now. After reaching the 6th level of the strongman, his hearing had become much stronger. When he heard a zombie appeared below, he swung his tail upward, and then he immediately rushed forward.

"Everyone immediately retreats, holds the machine gun, and defends." Wang Peng shouted loudly to the people in front.

After hearing Wang Peng's words, everyone quickly retreated. In this morning's command post, Wang Peng's command was very good, both in terms of big strategy and mastery of details. Moreover, not only that, Wang Peng also conquered everyone with his excellent archery skills, so everyone was quite convinced of Wang Peng. Now, when they heard Wang Peng say that he wanted to retreat, they all hurriedly retreated towards the back.

Wang Peng once again took off the crescent bow that had been hung on his back from below, took out an arrow, and placed it on the bow. At the same time, he quickly ran to Lin Fei's side. Holding on to the eaves, he looked down, trying to see what kind of monster it was.

Below, there was a zombie that stood out among the zombies. It had the shape of a human, but had a black tail growing out of its butt, about 10 meters long. At the tip of the tail, something like a thorn grew, which hit the wall and brought down a layer of stones.

"Everyone, form a group of three. One person will continue to shoot and kill the remaining zombies, and the other two will be responsible for defense." Wang Peng glanced at Lin Fei who was getting ready to go next to him, then turned to the others and said.

Just by looking at the zombie, Wang Peng was able to conclude that the zombie was not easy to deal with. If Xiao Qiang were here at this time and used his eyes to identify and scan, he would find that the one below was an ordinary level 3 zombie. Zombies. Finding that this zombie was difficult to deal with, Wang Peng hurriedly made arrangements. On the one hand, he asked others to do their own defense. On the other hand, he prevented any more monsters from appearing. He also wanted to quickly deal with other zombies. .

At this moment, although the zombie still did not attack, it still showed its white eyeballs and long teeth in its mouth. It looked at Lin Fei and green liquid flowed out of its mouth, exuding an unpleasant smell. . At the same time, the strong tail is still swaying, and it can easily knock away a fat zombie when it encounters it, which is enough to show the power of the tail. However, the zombie just kept shaking its tail and did not launch an attack. I wonder if it was because of the blow just now that the zombie's tail touched Lin Fei's autumn water knife, which made the zombie feel Lin Fei's strength.

However, at this moment, downstairs of the commercial building on Wang Peng's side, a long-tailed zombie was staring at them. On the other side, a powerful zombie also appeared on Li Ke's side.

Originally, when Li Ke saw the situation on Wang Peng's side, he was hesitating whether to transform and rush to the nearby commercial building to help Wang Peng and the others. Suddenly, he discovered that there was a zombie crawling on the outside of the wall of the double-storey hotel in front of the commercial building. The zombie clung tightly to the wall, stopping from time to time, turning its white eyes and staring at Li But on the roof of the building where he was, a long tongue stuck out of his mouth. If he licked his lips and turned his tongue, green liquid would flow out of his mouth.

However, after the zombie stared for a while, his body suddenly started to move, and the speed was very fast, like an arrow. In just a blink of an eye, the zombie had rushed down from the wall outside the hotel. After reaching the ground, the zombie still kept crawling and rushed into the zombie group. He kept observing the zombie but couldn't find any trace of the zombie. He was looking for it anxiously. Suddenly, under the building of Li Ke's commercial building, the zombie suddenly rushed out, and many of the zombies above were scattered under the impact of the zombie. It seemed that this zombie Not only is the zombie very fast, it can climb walls, but it is also very powerful.

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