Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 223 Crawling Zombies (Ask for bookshelf!)

Li Ke, who was lying on the roof and observing, was also surprised. He didn't expect the zombies to be so fast. In such a short time, they had already rushed to the downstairs of the shopping mall.

"Everyone, retreat immediately, in groups of three, don't shoot the zombies downstairs for the time being, all defend, be careful to deal with the zombies." Li Ke followed Wang Peng's arrangement just now, and made changes according to his own situation, and hurriedly spoke.

"Also prepare the rocket launcher, you can shoot when necessary, and start to retreat downstairs." Feeling that this zombie is difficult to deal with, Li Ke added.

Hearing Li Ke's words, everyone immediately retreated, and several people took out the rocket launcher and carried it on their shoulders. They squatted on the roof with some people holding guns, carefully watching the surroundings for defense. Although they had not been trained, most of the people on the scene seemed to be crowded at the escalator, but fortunately Li Ke told everyone in advance, the whole scene was a bit chaotic but not panic.

Li Ke, like Lin Fei, also jumped directly onto the eaves of the roof. Although everyone behind him was not very orderly and the scene was a bit chaotic, Li Ke still did not command everyone. Because he knew that the threat of the crawling zombie was too great, and he had to deal with it here at the moment. His eyes were fixed on the crawling zombie downstairs, and his hands directly mutated and evolved into a cat form.

Not only that, even Li Ke's eyes turned into cat eyes. The middle of the two eyeballs had become an oval, and the middle had turned into brown. After Li Ke's eyes turned into cat eyes, he could not only see at night, but also see some fast-moving objects more clearly after turning them on. Standing on the eaves, Li Ke's eyeballs kept turning, staring at the crawling zombie below, and the claws in his hands made a sound, ready to fight at any time.

On the other side, someone had already taken out a rocket launcher under Wang Peng's instruction, in case of emergency. While Wang Peng was directing everyone to continue shooting the zombies at the bottom of the building, he was also paying attention to the battle situation on Lin Fei's side. The zombie standing at the bottom of the building suddenly moved, and the long tail swung directly from behind the zombie and hit Lin Fei. Lin Fei stood on the eaves and had been observing the zombie. At this time, seeing the zombie's tail full of thorns attacking, he jumped lightly and dodged the zombie's powerful attack. The zombie's tail fell on where Lin Fei was originally standing, and directly smashed the eaves there.

After the blow, the zombie's tail was quickly retracted and attacked Lin Fei again. The zombie stood downstairs and manipulated the tail very flexibly. The tail was swung out quickly and full of power.

The zombie kept hitting Lin Fei with its tail, and Lin Fei kept dodging. Due to the powerful impact of the zombie's tail, gaps were formed on the eaves of the roof. Lin Fei was dodging all the time. Although he had drawn his two swords, he did not choose to attack. He jumped back and forth on the eaves, dodging the zombies' attacks while observing the zombies.

It seemed that Lin Fei was dodging the zombies' attacks all the time, and did not dare to fight hard and take the zombies' tails. However, Wang Peng, who was standing behind, saw it very clearly. Although Lin Fei was dodging all the time, he did not look embarrassed. Instead, he looked as if he was playing with the zombies, and seemed very relaxed. At the same time, he was observing the zombies' tails.

At this time, the eaves of the commercial building where Wang Peng was located had been broken into gaps by the zombies due to the zombies' attacks. Even the edge of the roof had a large piece of stone bricks dropped due to the zombies' tails, revealing a large hole on the roof, and even the steel bars and cement inside were exposed. From the roof, the interior of the third floor could be seen directly, which was enough to show the power of the zombies' tails. Seeing this, Wang Peng also hurriedly organized the people behind him to retreat downwards.

The tail of this zombie is too strong, and because the tail is too long, the affected area is also relatively wide. It seems that the bullets can't penetrate the defense of the zombie's tail. Everyone stayed on the roof and had no way to help deal with this zombie. It would be better to go downstairs to make room. Fortunately, there are not many zombies below.

"The speed is just so fast, and the power is not bad." Lin Fei stood on the eaves and sighed secretly.

It turned out that, as Wang Peng observed, Lin Fei was not unable to fight back because of the fast attack of the zombie's tail, but on the one hand, he was testing the attack power of the zombie's tail, and on the other hand, he was waiting for Wang Peng to arrange the personnel to retreat in an orderly manner to prevent fighting with the zombie and hurting innocent people. At this moment, while dodging, he glimpsed that the personnel had almost retreated, and he had almost mastered the attack of the zombie's tail. So, he stood still, stood on the eaves, and prepared to attack.

"Aren't you going down? Just leave this zombie to me." Lin Fei turned his head and asked Wang Peng.

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