Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 224 Rockets were launched (ask for bookshelf!)

Lin Fei didn't know much about Wang Peng. He didn't look very strong, but he had superb archery skills. He thought Wang Peng could only attack from a distance. In fact, as a mutant, Wang Peng's physical fitness may not be as strong as Xiao Qiang and others, but compared to ordinary people, he is much stronger. In addition, after the end of the world, Wang Peng also did special training to match his archery skills.

"Don't worry, I won't drag you down. Standing here, I can have a better overview of the overall situation." Wang Peng said.

Since Wang Peng is willing to stand here, Lin Fei no longer persuades him. He stares at the zombies below and turns the double knives in his hands. It seems that Lin Fei is ready to deal with the zombie below seriously.

Wang Peng, who is standing behind, closed his eyes slightly, sank into his mind, and turned on his perception ability. After Wang Peng upgraded to the 4th level of superpowers, his perception ability did not change substantially. It's just that the range of perception has been expanded a little bit, and the perception ability has been strengthened a little bit. He can sense all the zombies on this road nearby, including those near the shopping mall.

The reason why Wang Peng opened his perception was that he wanted to stand on a high place, take a comprehensive view of the situation, and better understand the current battle situation. At the same time, he also wanted to prevent the appearance of powerful zombies.

When Wang Peng was seriously opening his perception, standing on the roof, and sensing the situation of the zombies downstairs. A loud "bang" sounded not far away, waking up Wang Peng who was immersed in his mind.

Wang Peng opened his eyes and looked at the direction where the sound came from. It was the roof of the commercial building where Li Ke and his friends were. Two people were carrying rocket launchers on their shoulders, and smoke was coming out at this moment. A shell exploded in the zombie group at the bottom of the commercial building.

It turned out that after Li Ke had just given the order for everyone to start retreating, in addition to most people starting to go downstairs from the escalator, a small number of people stayed on the roof for defense. Among them, there were two people carrying rocket launchers, who looked around vigilantly on the roof.

Just now, Li Ke stood on the eaves of the roof, looking at the crawling zombie below. After crawling to the shopping mall where Li Ke and his team were, the zombie rushed up all of a sudden, pushing away many zombies. Climbing outside the wall of the shopping mall, the white eyeballs turned and stared closely at Li Ke above. At the same time, the mouth opened wide, revealing the fangs in the mouth, and the slender tongue turned and licked the lips.

Suddenly, the zombie moved, and the whole body moved quickly outside the wall. In an instant, it had rushed to the eaves of the roof. Thanks to Li Ke's opening of the cat's eye, he was able to keep up with the zombie's movements. The crawling zombie rushed up directly and attacked Li Ke. Li Ke hurriedly dodged to the side, jumped from the eaves, and jumped onto the roof.

The zombie missed the attack, and the whole body fell directly onto the open space on the roof. Looking in the direction of Li Ke, the tongue spit out and turned around. After Li Ke jumped to the roof, he saw the zombie on the ground, ran two steps quickly, and attacked the zombie with both claws.

When the crawling zombie saw Li Ke rushing over, its entire body ran directly to the other side of the eaves. When it reached the edge of the roof, the zombie did not stop for long, but kept crawling and ran directly down the wall.

Li Ke hurried to the side of the roof and looked down, only to see that the crawling zombie had already rushed into the group of zombies downstairs. Seeing that the two people carrying rocket launchers were nearby, he hurriedly directed them to shoot at the pile of zombies downstairs. The two heard Li Ke's order, took the rocket launcher, aimed it downwards, and fired directly. With a "boom", there was the movement that Wang Peng heard.

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