Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 225: Transformed into a Cat's Paw (Ask for the bookshelf!)

The power of the rockets is indeed not small. When the shells are fired, they will directly explode the zombies below, and those zombies that were blown up by the bombs will be scattered in all directions. Not only that, after the bomb exploded several thick layers of zombies, it even exploded the floor below, sending rocks flying in all directions. Where the shell exploded, a layer of dust rose up along with the smoke.

Li Ke lay on the eaves of the building and looked down, trying to see if the shell had hit the crawling zombie. After all, this zombie is an ordinary level 3 zombie. If it can be killed with rockets, it will save Li Ke the effort to deal with the zombies. At this moment, he opened his eyes wide and looked down for zombies.

"Li Ke, be careful behind you." Wang Peng suddenly shouted at Li Ke from another building.

Although Wang Peng was disturbed by the cannonball and opened his eyes, he kept using his powers to activate his perception ability. At this moment, I saw Li Ke lying on the eaves and looking down. But suddenly he sensed in his mind that on the wall behind Li Ke, there was a zombie crawling against the wall, and it was crawling towards the roof of the building quickly, but Li Ke didn't seem to notice it, so he reminded him aloud.

Lin Fei, who was fighting with the long-tailed zombie, heard Wang Peng's shouting, blocked the zombie's tail with a knife, jumped to a towering eaves, and looked in the direction of Wang Peng.

"It's a bit interesting. There are quite a few people who know it." Lin Fei sighed secretly in his heart.

Lin Fei also discovered that Wang Peng seemed to be able to detect zombies because he was relatively close to Wang Peng. While fighting with the long-tailed zombie, Lin Fei discovered that before the crawling zombie on the opposite side appeared, Wang Peng had already Discovered his existence.

Li Ke, who was opposite him, naturally understood Wang Peng's abilities. Hearing Wang Peng's reminder, he did not doubt it. He pushed away the two people carrying rocket launchers next to him, turned around, and rushed forward. The two claws came out, and with a "bang" sound, the two claws intersected with the zombie's claws, and they collided with the charging zombie.

"Everyone, hurry downstairs." Li Ke turned around and said to the remaining people on the roof.

After hearing Li Ke's words, everyone also saw how powerful this crawling zombie was. After all, this zombie could even dodge rocket attacks. Everyone also hurriedly ran downstairs along the escalator.

"When we get downstairs, form a group of three and continue shooting the remaining zombies." Li Ke added.

At this time, Li Ke's outstretched claws were tightly grasped with the claws of the crawling zombie. One person and one zombie were locked in a stalemate. Only then did Li Ke see the face of the zombie clearly, and it turned out to be a female zombie. She has a delicate face, long shawl hair, and nail polish residue on her sharp claws. It can be seen that she was also a beautiful woman before the end of the world.

However, after such a long time, the zombie's face was dirty, covered with blood and soil. After mutation, the zombie's chin became more pointed, and its mouth revealed a set of long sharp teeth. Not only that, the zombie's hands and feet are extremely long, but the whole body feels very thin. Moreover, due to crawling for a long time, the T-shirt and shorts on the zombie had already become extremely dark, and were also extremely damaged. Only a few pieces of cloth were left hanging on the body, revealing the huge round The ball hangs on the chest, and the important position underneath has also been exposed.

However, Li Ke had no intention to pay attention to this at the moment. Standing in a stalemate with the zombie, Li Ke held the zombie's claws. The female crawling zombie also had long nails, but what was different from Li Ke's cat nails was that Li Ke's nails were long, thick, and slightly curved. The nails of this zombie are extremely long and very thin. They look like blades, reflecting a little light when the sun shines on them. If he hadn't transformed his hands into cat claws, Li Ke would not have dared to fight against the zombie's claws.

Fortunately, although the zombie's nails were sharp enough, after Li Kan transformed into a cat's claw, the defensive power of his own palms had been correspondingly enhanced. At the same time, Li Ke's right hand was still wearing the black claw sheath given to him by Xiao Qiang. The material of the black claw sheath was not inferior to black gold, it was extremely hard, and the finger tips were very sharp.

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