Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 226 Fast Crawling Zombies (Ask for the bookshelf!)

At this moment, Li Ke held the zombie's claws and exerted force secretly, trying to pinch the zombie's claws. It should be noted that after Li Ke's hands were transformed into cat claws, their own strength would be increased many times. In addition, his right hand was wearing a black claw set, so even steel bars could be easily pinched out by Li Ke.

However, after Li Ke slowly exerted force with his hands, he found that the zombie's hands were not flattened. On the contrary, Li Ke felt a huge force coming from his palms, which counteracted the force exerted by Li Ke. At the same time, Li Ke's sharp claws could not penetrate the zombie's palms, but only left a few scratches on the palms. However, although the zombie was strong enough, it could not break free from Li Ke's cat claws for a while under Li Ke's capture.

Suddenly, when the two were secretly competing, the female zombie opened her mouth, revealing the sharp fangs inside. The scarlet tongue swirled in his mouth, with some flesh thorns on it. The slender tongue stretched out directly and attacked Li Ke's cheek. Thanks to Li Ke's direct opening of the cat's eye, he was able to dodge the zombie's sudden attack.

Li Ke's cat's eyes saw that the zombie's tongue full of flesh thorns suddenly grew longer and attacked his cheek directly. Li Ke quickly loosened his cat's claws that were holding the zombie's claws and retreated backwards at a high speed. While retreating, Li Ke also saw clearly that the long tongue stretched out more than 1 meter long and bent in the air to chase Li Ke.

After retreating to the edge of the roof, Li Ke rolled to the side, and the 1-meter-long tongue also bent and chased Li Ke. Li Ke hurriedly lowered his head, and the tongue swept directly to the raised stone shape next to him. With a "bang", the stone shape shattered under the attack of the zombie's tongue. As the stone broke, the zombie also retracted its tongue.

Li Ke couldn't help but be amazed in his heart. He didn't expect the zombie's tongue to be so strong. Fortunately, he opened the cat's eye. If he was licked by the zombie's tongue, he would have peeled off a layer of skin. The zombie retracted its tongue, and Li Ke raised his cat's paw to attack the crawling zombie again. The zombie's white eyes turned, and he didn't stay in place for long. He ran directly to the other side of the building, along the wall, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Li Ke's attack was empty, and he stood on the roof, looking around. At this time, under Li Ke's instruction, except for himself, everyone else had gone downstairs to continue shooting the remaining zombies. Listening to the continuous shooting sounds coming from downstairs, Li Ke did not dare to relax his vigilance. He knew that the crawling zombie must be hiding somewhere and would attack him again.

Sure enough, Li Ke's ears moved slightly. Hearing the movement behind him, he rolled forward on the spot to avoid the zombie's attack. At the same time, he stretched out his claws and grabbed the zombie that attacked him. The palm with black claws collided directly with the palm of the zombie, making a "bang" sound, and the zombie retreated at one blow. He climbed under the eaves of the house again. Li Ke stood up and ran two steps, trying to catch up with the zombie, but there was no trace of the zombie.

Looking at Li Ke's ears again, they were erected high, and there were short furry hairs beside the ears. When listening to the sound, they could still move, clearly a pair of cat ears. Just now, Li Ke saw that the zombie had rushed under the wall again, and knew that the zombie would launch a surprise attack on him again. Therefore, he directly turned on the mutation of the ears. After the ears became men's, the hearing would be more sensitive.

As expected, after the zombie missed the first shot, it ran downstairs again. With the ability to crawl on the outer wall of the shopping mall, the zombie could move quickly and freely.

Li Ke pricked up his ears and listened carefully to the movements around him. At this moment, the sound of machine gun shooting downstairs became less and less. It seemed that the ordinary zombies below were getting fewer and fewer under the shooting of everyone. After careful analysis, Li Ke could clearly hear the friction sound made by the crawling zombie when it walked outside the shopping mall.

Suddenly, the friction sound became faster and faster, and the direction of the zombie crawling became more and more chaotic. Li Ke was carefully distinguishing the direction of the zombie. Suddenly, he felt a sound of breaking wind behind him, and Li Ke hurriedly hid to the side.

While dodging to the side, Li Ke could see clearly that what was attacking him was the long tongue of the crawling zombie. Just now, the tongue attacked very quickly, and Li Ke only heard the sound of the zombie's long tongue behind him. Fortunately, he turned on the cat ear mode, otherwise he would be pierced by the tongue with flesh thorns.

Li Ke just hid aside and stood still, and saw an object rushing in front of him. He only had time to protect his chest with his claws, and the whole person was knocked out. While in the air, Li Ke could see clearly that the object rushing towards him was the crawling zombie. The zombie first spit out its long tongue to attack him, saw him hide to the side, and then the whole body directly hit Li Ke.

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