Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 227 Li Ke is angry (ask for bookshelf!)

This time, the zombie was already very fast, and coupled with his powerful strength, Li Ke felt that his internal organs were rolling, and his chest was in great pain with one blow. And the whole person was hit directly and flew out from the roof of the building. His body rolled and was about to fall towards the downstairs of the commercial building.

"Li Ke!" Wang Peng, who was watching from the rooftop of the commercial building opposite, saw Li Ke being attacked by zombies and flew out, shouting loudly from the opposite side.

At the same time, Wang Peng directly took out an arrow and placed it on the crescent moon bow. With the bow string fully drawn, without much aiming, he shot an arrow towards the zombie's head. It can also be seen from this that Wang Peng's shooting skills are superb. Just in a hurry, a random arrow can be accurately shot towards the top of the zombie's head. However, the zombie was a level 3 zombie after all. When he saw the arrow shot towards him, he spit out his long tongue and struck forward with force, sweeping the arrow to the ground. At the same time, his whole body He quickly crawled along the outside of the wall again and disappeared in an instant.

Li Ke was knocked out of the roof of the building. In panic, Li Ke quickly stretched out his sharp claws and inserted them into the wall of the commercial building, leaving a long path on the wall. Then he cut himself off. The figure is stable. Enduring the pain of the wound, Li Ke climbed to the top of the building again with his cat claws.

After climbing to the top of the building, there was no sign of the zombies again. Li Ke waved to Wang Peng to indicate that he was fine. Wang Peng breathed a sigh of relief. When he came, Xiao Qiang repeatedly told his people that even if they couldn't get supplies, there should be no casualties. If he had defeated General Li Ke before he started transporting supplies and returned to the base, he would really have no way to explain to Xiao Qiang.

Li Ke stood in the middle of the roof, stretched out his cat's paw, and rubbed his painful chest. He raised his ears high, and at the same time, a pair of cat eyes kept turning, paying full attention to what was going on around him to prevent zombies from attacking.

However, although the zombie was in a crawling posture, it was very fast, spinning along the outside of the wall. Although Li Ke's hearing was several times better than usual after turning on the cat ears, but unlike Wang Peng's perception, he could not accurately judge the location of zombies. At this moment, the zombies rushed towards Li Ke again. Li Ke was in a hurry and had to roll to the side to avoid the strong impact of the zombies. He looked very embarrassed.

Li Ke just stood on the roof of the building, dodging the zombie attacks back and forth. Even because he had to avoid it, he had some scratches on his body from the collision, and there was blood seeping out on the surface. Occasionally, Li Ke could hold out two cat claws, but they were blocked by the zombie's sharp claws, and then he rushed downstairs. The zombies were like this, using their own strength and speed to continuously launch surprise attacks on Li Ke, but they did not initiate a head-on conflict with Li Ke. Whenever a zombie launched a surprise attack and rushed downstairs, Li Ke wanted to pursue him, but he couldn't keep up with the speed of the zombie.

Once again, after Li Ke was knocked to the ground, he stood up and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth. Standing there, Li Ke curled his lips slightly and looked forward.

"I'm serious if I don't follow you, you thought you were the only one who could climb the wall. Let me show you who is the founder of wall climbing." Li Ke glanced at the blood stains on his hands, his eyes glared, and he had already thought about it.

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