Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 228: Transformation Again (Ask for bookshelf!)

"It seems that I will have to change my shoes after I finish beating the zombies." Li Ke glanced at his feet and muttered softly.

While speaking, Li Ke's feet gradually grew bigger, making his shoes bulge. Finally, five sharp toenails stretched out and directly scratched the shoes. In the end, Li Ke's feet had completely turned into two cat claws, which were extremely large and covered with fluff. Among them, the toes of the cat claws were particularly dazzling and very dark. When the sun shone on them, a dazzling light spot was formed. The toenails were thick, curved and extended downward. The toenails were very long, and the front end was very small and looked very sharp. Li Ke kicked down lightly, and the floor on the roof had been shattered under Li Ke's cat claws. At the same time, there were five clear marks on it. Claw marks. This is enough to show that after Li Ke's feet transformed, the strength of his feet was very strong.

Behind him, after the zombie climbed to the roof, its whole body rushed directly towards Li Ke's body like an arrow from a string. Seeing this, Wang Peng on the roof of the opposite shopping mall drew his bow and arrow, and was about to help Li Ke deal with the zombies. But he saw that Li Ke's feet were abnormal, full of hair, and at the same time extremely large, and the muscle lines were also very obvious.

Li Ke made a gesture to Wang Peng, indicating Wang Peng not to help first. Seeing this, Wang Peng placed the bow and arrow downwards first, and quietly watched how Li Ke dealt with the zombies. Li Ke saw the zombie rushing towards him, and he did not roll to the side in embarrassment like before. Instead, he exerted a little force on his legs and jumped into the air, waiting for the zombies to When the zombie pounced on nothing and was still crawling directly under him, Li Ke fell directly, his feet turned into cat claws, his long toes slightly bent, and his sharp nails hooked directly on the back of the zombie, and grabbed it with his cat legs.

Then, Li Ke exerted force with his legs, and the whole person did a backflip, and the zombie caught by the cat's claws was thrown out directly. The crawling zombie was thrown like this, and its body fell heavily on the eaves of the roof of the commercial building with a "bang". At the same time, after Li Ke did a backflip, he also stood steadily on the roof. After the zombie was thrown out and hit the eaves, it rushed downstairs and quickly climbed on the outer wall of the commercial building.

Those who had been instructed by Wang Peng and Li Ke had The people who had come downstairs had almost wiped out the remaining zombies. Only a few zombies were still coming from all over the street, and some were hidden among the zombies' bodies. From time to time, the sound of "da da" was heard. They took turns to set up 20 people at the front to deal with the remaining scattered zombies. In addition, another 20 people were set up to patrol and defend at various intersections.

All of this was naturally arranged by Wang Peng while Li Ke and Lin Fei were dealing with the zombies. Because the weather was hot, in order to minimize the heat stroke, Wang Peng arranged for the remaining people to find a cool place nearby. Of course, Wang Peng emphasized to them that they should take their weapons and stand up and shoot at any time if necessary.

The remaining people found a cool corner and squatted there, looking at the battles on both sides of the commercial building. At this moment, on the outer wall of Li Ke's commercial building, the crawling zombie was moving quickly, ready to launch a surprise attack on Li Ke on the roof at any time.

However, soon, the people who were looking up from downstairs exclaimed.

"Wow, look, that zombie is running so fast."

"Who is that behind? He is running so fast, and he is quite powerful."

"You don't know that person yet, it must be our brother Li Ke."

"What a cool ability, it can be changed to this extent, follow brother Li Ke, we will definitely be able to find supplies today."

. . . . . . .

As the people below exclaimed, it turned out that when the zombie was crawling quickly outside the wall, a person suddenly jumped out from the corner of the wall behind him, on all fours, with his hands and feet in the shape of cat claws. Every time he crawled, he would leave claw marks on the outside of the wall, which was enough to show the sharpness of his claws and his strong power. That person was Li Ke. At this moment, Li Ke's hands and feet had turned into cat claws, and his crawling speed was even faster than that of the zombie. Moreover, Li Ke did not crawl on the outer wall of the shopping mall, but jumped forward with great force, and each time he grabbed the wall tightly.

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