Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 230: Cherish your hair (ask for the bookshelf!)

However, from the gap of the tongue, it can be vaguely seen that some long black hair and strong muscles are exposed from the middle, and a curved furry tail is growing from the buttocks behind the body. It seems that Li Ke, except for some organs on the face, has become cat-like, and the whole body is covered with thick fur.

Thanks to Li Ke's quick reaction just now, the moment the zombie's long tongue reached him, he turned on the transformation form and changed his whole body into a cat's body. The superpower level is different from the strong level. The superpower level looks no different from before the end of the world, but once the transformation is turned on, the body will change and burst out with super power. Especially for people like Li Ke, who have animal superpowers, after the transformation, they will have some characteristics of animals, such as hair and cat claws, and because it is a superpower, after Li can transform, the corresponding parts will also gain super strength and defense.

Now Li Ke's body has also changed into the form of a cat, so although the flesh thorns on the zombie's long tongue will sting Li Ke's body, they do not cause substantial damage to Li Ke's body under the barrier of layers of hair. However, the zombie is getting closer and closer to Li Ke, but Li Ke cannot break free from the shackles of the zombie's long tongue. This is the difference in level.

With a "whoosh", a sound of breaking wind sounded, and a sharp arrow shot towards the zombie's forehead, which was shot by Wang Peng. During this period, Wang Peng has been turning on his perception ability. Originally, seeing that Li could surpass the crawling zombie in speed after transforming, he had already put his mind at ease and paid attention to the battle situation on Lin Fei's side. Unexpectedly, after the crawling zombie stood up, its speed was so fast, and its tongue could even stretch out. I don't know how such a long tongue is placed in the mouth. Noticing that the crawling zombie on the opposite side actually stood up and tied Li Ke up with his long tongue, he hurriedly shot an arrow in a panic.

The arrow came close to the crawling zombie. Because the zombie's tongue was wrapped around Li Ke, and at the same time, all his attention was on the zombie. The arrow directly pierced the zombie's right leg, leaving a small hole on the zombie's right leg. Although this female crawling zombie looks thin, her physical fitness is very strong. Otherwise, with Wang Peng's shooting ability, he would have to pierce through the zombie's two legs directly.

The zombie was shot by Wang Peng, and its forward movement paused for a moment. Even the long tongue wrapped around Li Ke's body couldn't help but loosen a little, and instinctively wanted to withdraw its defense. However, soon the zombie was ready to wrap around Li Ke in front of him again. However, the loosening of the zombie gave Li Ke space to move his arms. Li Ke exerted force with his arms, and under the thick hair, his strong muscles bulged. Li Ke tried his best, and even his facial expression became a little ferocious.

With a "bang", Li Ke broke the zombie's tongue into several pieces and scattered them as he struggled to break free. The remaining half of the zombie was bleeding black blood from the broken part, and green liquid also flowed out of the zombie's mouth. There were still many black hairs of Li Ke entangled on the flesh thorns of the zombie's tongue. The zombie retracted its tongue and spat out Li Ke's hair.

Li Ke took a look at the hair spitted on the ground by the zombie, and tidied up the gap on his body where the zombie had pulled out his hair with heartache. Because the hair on his body was pulled out, some blood still seeped out. After transforming into a cat, Li Ke also had some cat habits, including taking care of his hair.

He kicked the zombie in front of him angrily, and his tail shook behind him, and hit the concrete floor on the roof heavily, directly smashing a big hole. At the same time, the whole body rushed forward, and his claws attacked the zombie's chest directly. Li Ke's speed was very fast, and he reached the zombie in an instant. The zombie still stood up, instinctively preparing to dodge Li Ke's attack.

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