Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 231 After defeating the zombies (ask for the bookshelf!)

However, being shot in the leg by Wang Peng did affect the zombie's movements, and it was much slower than before. Just as it turned around, Li Ke arrived in front of it and grabbed the zombie's shoulder with one claw. With a twist, there was a "crack" sound, and the zombie's arm was broken by Li Ke, hanging on the left side of the body.

With a "wow", the zombie was hurt a lot by Li Ke's attack, and yelled out. At the same time, the zombie waved another sharp claw towards Li Ke's face, and the long nails swept directly in front of Li Ke's eyes. Li Ke stretched out two cat claws and directly grasped the zombie's arm, letting it stay there. The zombie opened its mouth, and the remaining half of its tongue was about to attack Li Ke's cheek. Li Ke stretched out a hand and directly pinched the zombie's chin. With a strong pinch of his claws, the zombie's chin was crushed by Li Ke's powerful claws. The black blood mixed with teeth flowed out along Li Ke's cat claws, and the crawling zombie made a "woohoo" sound from its mouth.

At the same time, Li Ke grabbed the zombie's long tongue and pulled it out hard. The zombie used its tongue to tightly wrap around Li Ke's cat claws and pulled back at the same time. However, because the zombie's chin was crushed by Li Ke, the power of its tongue was much smaller, and it was in a stalemate with Li Ke. However, at this time, Li Ke's tail swung behind him and swept across the zombie's leg with the arrow inserted.

The zombie's right leg was already injured, and with Li Ke's powerful blow, the zombie's leg bent and knelt directly on the ground, and the strength of his hands was also much less. Taking advantage of the opportunity, Li Ke used his hands to pull off the zombie's long tongue and threw it to the ground. "Puff", dirty blood rushed out of the zombie's throat, and the zombie whimpered, but only made a few bubbles, and more dirty blood sprayed out. At the same time, the claws that were facing Li Ke loosened, and the whole body fell directly on the ground, with white eyeballs rolling, and it seemed that it was ready to escape.

Li Ke would naturally not miss such an opportunity. He stepped on the zombie's body with his hind claws, and used his front claws to force it into the zombie's head. The zombie's thin body just squirmed twice, and then there was no movement.

Looking at the thin zombie lying on the concrete floor on the roof, Li Ke felt that the zombie was a little pitiful. If it was before the end of the world, I don't know how many people would love such a petite and beautiful girl, why would she lie on the roof like now. However, this is how it is in the end of the world. No matter what your identity was before the end of the world, as long as you become a zombie, you are the enemy of mankind.

After dealing with this zombie, Li Ke changed into human form again. The weather was indeed a bit hot, and Li Ke just changed into a cat form, with fur on the outside. At this moment, his whole body was sweating, and his clothes were soaked with blood and sweat. There were still some blood stains on Li Ke's chest, and this place was where Li Ke's fur was torn off by the zombie just now.

Looking at his bare feet, his shoes were also torn when he turned into a cat form. Li Ke walked to the escalator and stepped on the escalator. It still felt a little hot. Following the escalator, Li Ke quickly climbed downstairs and stepped on the shade of the corner of the wall. Only then did he feel a little more comfortable.

"Brother Ke, you're down." Someone came over and greeted Li Ke.

"Yeah, where's Wang Peng?" Li Ke asked when he saw that Wang Peng was not in the crowd.

"Brother Peng is climbing down the escalator." The man pointed to the escalator of the opposite shopping mall and said.

Li Ke looked in the direction of the man's finger. On the iron escalator of the opposite shopping mall, a figure carrying a crescent bow was climbing down from the roof step by step.

Nodding, Li Ke continued to ask: "Have all the zombies below been cleared? Where are the others?"

"The remaining zombies have been cleared. Brother Peng just arranged for us to patrol in turns. Others are patrolling the nearby street corners to prevent zombies from suddenly breaking in." The man said truthfully.

Li Ke nodded. Wang Peng is still very careful and can always arrange things with confidence. Looking up at the crowd squatting in the corner, he actually saw Lin Fei leaning against the wall, still in that lazy look, not talking to the people next to him, standing there with his double swords.

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