Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 233 Lin Fei vs. Lin Fei (Ask for bookshelf!)

The zombie missed its first attack, and then swung its tail up again, creating a big hole on the roof. The long thorns formed on its tail directly grabbed the concrete floor on the roof. The zombie followed its tail and flew directly to the roof. However, just as the zombie climbed up to the roof and stood, a foot kicked at the zombie. The zombie used its tail to stand on the roof. When its white eyes saw a foot kicking towards it, it stretched out its claws and directly hit the foot. The huge force from the foot pushed the zombie downstairs. The cement on the roof that its tail grabbed was directly pulled away by the zombie. The stones were scattered, and even a big hole was directly exposed in the middle. The zombie also fell directly to the downstairs, quickly retracted its tail, and swung it on the ground with the force. The zombie then stabilized his body and stood on the ground.

It was Lin Fei who kicked. Just now, seeing the zombie's tail attacking again, Lin Fei dodged to the side and landed in the middle of the roof with the help of the flying stones. Seeing the flesh thorns growing on the zombie's tail, tightly embedded in the concrete floor of the roof, he knew that the zombie wanted to climb to the roof. He ran forward two steps and kicked the zombie that had not yet stood firm.

Lin Fei stood on the edge of the roof and looked down. After being kicked down by Lin Fei, the zombie seemed to be even more angry. He swung his tail and flew towards Lin Fei frantically to attack. Lin Fei blocked and dodged. Soon, the wall was already broken under the powerful attack of the zombie's tail.

The zombie attacked again with great force. Lin Fei lay horizontally with two swords and directly held the zombie's tail. The whole person also rowed backwards and retreated directly to the other side of the commercial building. The zombie also took advantage of Lin Fei's retreat and climbed to the roof with his whole body.

Seeing the zombie go up to the roof, Lin Fei held his two knives in reverse and carefully looked at the zombie in front of him. It was a male zombie with a sturdy body. His body was no different from other zombies, with white eyes, bald head, and long claws in his hands. The only surprising thing was that there was a long and thick tail on the buttocks behind the zombie, which was hanging down along the outer wall of the commercial building and dragged all the way to the ground.

The white eyes of the zombie looked in the direction of Lin Fei, and his body was still standing in the same place, but the tail had rolled up from the outer wall of the commercial building, and from the top of the zombie's head, it bent like that and launched an attack on Lin Fei. The sharp tip of the zombie's tail, like a dagger, stabbed towards Lin Fei. Lin Fei raised his two knives and entangled with the zombie's tail. The zombie's tail was also unusually hard. The knife chopped on it, making a "ding-dong" collision sound, and even sparks came out.

In a short while, Lin Fei had already fought with the zombie for dozens of moves. Wang Peng could see clearly from behind. On the surface, Lin Fei and the zombie seemed to be on par, but every time he hit, Lin Fei would move forward to the zombie, and now he was getting closer and closer to the zombie.

"I'm afraid that Lin Fei's strength is the strongest in the base except for Brother Qiang." Wang Peng muttered in his heart.

Just as he was thinking, he heard a "dang" sound, and the Qiushui knife in Lin Fei's hand cut a long gap on the zombie's tail. A smelly, dirty blood flowed down the wound. Lin Fei rushed forward two steps, jumped forward, holding the two knives in both hands, his arms straightened, the whole person soared into the air, lying horizontally, and stabbed directly at the zombie's chest.

The zombie's tail was still stretched out in front, and there was no time to retract the defense. He could only raise his claws and block in front of his chest, colliding with Lin Fei's two knives. The zombie's claws were hard enough to block Lin Fei's ordinary steel knife. The steel knife bent slightly under the powerful force from both sides.

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