Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 234 Lin Fei's aerial attack (ask for bookshelf!)

However, the zombie could not resist the Qiushui Knife. As Lin Fei pushed forward forcefully, the black blade directly penetrated the zombie's claws, and the dirty black blood dripped on the ground along the blade.

At this time, the zombie's retracted tail had already reached the two of them, and the tip of the tail emitted light, attacking Lin Fei's back. Lin Fei had already noticed it, and directly drew out his double knives. After standing still, he kicked the zombie's head with one foot. After the kick, he took advantage of the force of the kick on the zombie's body and flew directly into the air. He did a backflip in the air and stood firmly on the ground, avoiding the zombie's tail. At the same time, the zombie was kicked out by Lin Fei's powerful kick and hit the eaves. The tail behind him swept the brick wall of the eaves, knocking down the eaves directly and sweeping them down to the downstairs.

"Beautiful move." Wang Peng, who was watching the battle from behind, couldn't help but praise Lin Fei for his smooth moves.

"Brother Fei, good job, this move is so cool."

"I only knew that Lin Fei was brave and dared to go to the Black Wind Base alone to make trouble, but I didn't expect that he was so strong."

"Didn't you see that Lin Fei was suppressing the zombie the whole time."

"Too cool, this move feels like a juggling move. I could only see it on TV before. No, you may not be able to see such beautiful and smooth moves on TV."

. . . . . . .

The crowd watching the battle downstairs saw Lin Fei's volley and praised him one after another, and the cheers from below were loud. However, Li Ke, who was concentrating on dealing with the crawling zombies, naturally didn't notice these things.

The zombie stood up and seemed to be even more angry when he heard the cheers from downstairs. The white eyeballs were spinning and staring at Lin Fei in front of him. The injured claw was still bleeding and was raised by the zombie towards Lin Fei. Then, the zombie was still standing in the same place, but his long tail began to go around from behind, wrapping the whole body in circles, and the sharp thorns on the tongue were facing outwards, looking like a hedgehog.

Lin Fei took a look at the zombie's movements, turned the double knives in his hands, and was about to rush up. Then he saw that the zombie suddenly moved, and the body rolled like a ball, and the speed was getting faster and faster. As the speed increased, the zombie's strength also became stronger. The layer of thorns wrapped around the outside of the body, as the body moved to the position, directly left a small pit on the concrete floor of the roof.

The meat ball formed by the zombie moved in front of Lin Fei at a high speed. Lin Fei knew the hardness of the zombie's tail and didn't want to fight with the meat ball. He jumped up high, avoided the zombie's attack, and ran to the side.

The meatball chased after Lin Fei. Whenever he was about to catch up with Lin Fei, Lin Fei would either jump high or dodge to the side. The zombie's continuous attacks failed to hit Lin Fei's body.

Once again, the zombie attacked at high speed. Lin Fei jumped high and jumped to the side to avoid the zombie's attack. However, the zombie did not continue to chase Lin Fei. Instead, it turned around and rushed towards Wang Peng, who was sitting in the corner and still sensing.

In the corner, Wang Peng, who had turned on his perception, naturally noticed the movement of the zombie, but the zombie moved too suddenly and too fast. Behind Wang Peng was the eaves of the house, and he could no longer dodge.

At the critical moment, Wang Peng stood up directly, took off the crescent bow from his back, took out an arrow, and shot it at the zombie. However, the zombie's tail was too hard. Lin Fei's arrow shot on it, only scratched the epidermis of the zombie's tail, and then fell to the side. Without stopping the zombies, Lin Fei held the crescent bow horizontally in front of his chest, making a defensive posture.

Seeing that the zombie was about to reach him, although Wang Peng had superpowers and his physical fitness was slightly stronger than that of ordinary people, he was only slightly stronger and was not proficient in close combat. If he was hit by the meat ball formed by the zombie's tail, Wang Peng would be directly injured and fall to the bottom of the building.

Just as Wang Peng was about to take the blow, a figure suddenly jumped down in front of him. He was tall and had broad shoulders. The two swords in his hands turned and crossed horizontally in front of his chest.

That person was not Lin Fei, but who else could he be? He turned his head and shouted "Get out of the way", and the zombie had already rushed to Lin Fei.

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