Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 235 Lin Fei advances

Just now, Lin Fei jumped up and dodged the blow of the zombie meat ball, then noticed the zombies rushing towards Wang Peng, and remembered what Xiao Qiang told him, there must be no casualties. The whole person ran for two steps, then jumped high and rushed towards Wang Peng. Even the cement floor on the roof was trampled by Lin Fei, leaving a hole.

Wang Peng also knew Lin Fei's strength. When he heard Lin Fei's words, he rolled on the spot, holding the crescent moon bow and hid to the side.

As soon as the man hid aside and stood still, he heard a clanking sound. Wang Peng looked to the side and saw Lin Fei's legs going forward and back, slightly bent, his arms holding the two knives, and the swords on his arms. The muscles are bulging, and the veins are bulging. Lin Fei is very tall and handsome, but from the appearance, he is a little thin. It is unexpected that the muscles are so developed. He is really wearing it. Wearing clothes makes you look thin, taking off clothes makes you look fat.

Lin Fei held the two knives tightly, with the autumn water knife in front and the steel knife in the back. There were drops of sweat on his face from time to time, and his face was slightly red because of too much exertion. It can also be seen how powerful the zombie meat ball is.

After the zombie meat ball hit Lin Fei, it only pushed Lin Fei back two steps. Lin Fei relied on his arm strength to block the zombie's attack with his double swords. After the two of them were deadlocked, the flesh ball formed by the zombies started to spin in place, colliding with Lin Fei's swords and making a "ding, clang, clank" sound. Suddenly, sparks flew everywhere, even to the concrete floor on the roof. , all under the constant rotation of the zombie flesh ball, the bricks scattered in all directions, and the zombies turned out of a big pit, even the steel bars inside were exposed.

Just when Wang Peng was wondering whether the concrete floor on the roof of the building would directly make a hole due to the rotation of the zombies. The zombie suddenly changed, and its whole body scattered in all directions with a "bang". The powerful force actually caused Lin Fei to fly out, and fell directly from the eaves towards the downstairs of the commercial building. Then, after the huge tail bounced off, it hit the cement floor on the roof of the building, smashing a large piece of ground at the foot of the wall directly away, and the big stone was directly thrown away. Scattered around and fell downstairs. The people downstairs saw this and hurriedly hid aside.

Looking upstairs, he saw Lin Fei, who had been thrown away by the zombies, and landed on the second floor. He turned the autumn water knife in his hand and inserted it directly into the wall of the commercial building with a slight exertion of his arm. The man also grabbed the autumn water knife and stood there. At the same time, Lin Fei smiled slightly, pulled upwards hard, and his whole body rose into the air again, and he also pulled out the autumn water knife.

People were in the air, looking at the huge falling stones. Lin Fei stepped directly on the stones continuously. Following the falling stones from the roof, Lin Fei used the force of his legs to jump to the top of the building.

"Brother Fei, you're awesome."

"Wow, so handsome."

"Damn it. This can work. This is amazing."

. . . . . .

The people downstairs burst into joy again when they saw Lin Fei's operation, but Li Ke, who was concentrating on dealing with the crawling zombie, naturally did not notice what was going on here.

"Okay, okay, you're fine, that's fine." Wang Peng patted his chest and said to Lin Fei.

Lin Fei, who jumped upstairs, glanced at Wang Peng who was lying on the eaves watching, nodded, and then looked at the zombies in front of him.

Shaking his head left and right, making a "crack-crack" sound, Lin Fei spun the two knives in his hands, with the blades facing the zombies.

"Just now, thanks to your impact, I broke through to the strength of Strongman Level 7. The strength of Strongman Level 7 is really quite powerful. Now, let me use you for a moment." Lin Fei looked at the person in front of him. Zombie, whispered.

Lin Fei was originally at level 6, and was about to break through to level 7. Unexpectedly, during the battle with the zombies, the blow ejected by the zombie's tail was directly promoted to the 7th level of the strong. What you need to know is that after level 5, there is a big difference between each level. Strong level 7 and strong level 6 are completely different concepts.

Wang Peng, who was behind him, naturally heard what Lin Fei said. Unexpectedly, Lin Fei had reached the level 7 of a strong man. He hid far away and watched how Lin Fei started to deal with the zombie.

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