Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 236 Strong Strength (Ask for bookshelf!)

Lin Fei smiled slightly, and his body moved. He disappeared instantly, rushed to the zombie, jumped high, and chopped down the zombie with a knife. The zombie reacted quickly. Lin Fei was much faster than before. He didn't have time to retract his tail, and raised a claw to block Lin Fei's knife.

Unexpectedly, Lin Fei cut off the zombie's claw with a knife, and even cut off half of the zombie's shoulder. The zombie let out a "wow" howl from its throat, and the whole tail swung from behind and attacked Lin Fei's head.

However, the zombie's movements seemed like slow motion in the eyes of Lin Fei after the upgrade. Lin Fei gently turned to the side and avoided the zombie's tail. Afterwards, Lin Fei put the steel knife back into the scabbard at his waist, grasped the Autumn Water Knife, turned it in his hand, and chopped the long tail that had reached the zombie with a powerful blow.

The sharp Autumn Water Knife, coupled with Lin Fei's further enhanced strength after he ascended to the 7th level of the strong man, the black blade directly cut off the tail blocking the zombie, and the zombie's body was also chopped into two parts under the swing of the Autumn Water Knife, leaving a large blood stain on the roof. Because the head was not hit, the remaining upper body of the zombie lay on the ground, and the remaining claw was still waving forward.

Lin Fei walked over, took the Autumn Water Knife, and gently scratched the zombie's head, and the zombie was no longer moving.

The Autumn Water Knife was indeed a famous knife. After cutting off the zombie's body, there was no blood left on it. Only a drop of blood flowed along the black and smooth blade to the roof.

Lin Fei put away his Qiushui Knife and walked towards the escalator. Passing by Wang Peng, he saw that he had just shot an arrow at the crawling zombies opposite the shopping mall. He glanced at the opposite shopping mall and turned his head back.

"I'll go downstairs first." Lin Fei said to Wang Peng.

"Yeah, thank you for your hard work." Wang Peng nodded and said.

. . . . . . .

"This is the whole process of the fight just now. I have to say that Lin Fei is too powerful." The man took another puff of the cigarette butt in his hand and blew out a beautiful puff of smoke. Only the cigarette butt in the mouthpiece was left in his hand. He couldn't bear to throw it away and said.

After hearing what the man said, Li Ke did not forget to praise Lin Fei, and said impatiently: "What's so good about a cigarette butt? I'll let you smoke as much as you want when we get to the supermarket."

"That's great, I'll definitely search for it later." The man said excitedly when he heard Li Ke's words. You know, there is a shortage of supplies in the end times. It was not easy for him to pick up this cigarette butt, and others are particularly envious of it.

Li Ke nodded and walked towards Wang Peng who climbed down the escalator.

"What should we do next? Are we going to search for that supermarket now?" Li Ke glanced at Lin Fei next to him, and then asked Wang Peng.

"Let's start searching. I hope we can find that supermarket before noon. Moreover, not only the supermarket, I'll accompany you to the shopping mall first." Wang Peng said.

"Shopping mall? This shopping mall probably only has some clothes and small items. Why search the shopping mall instead of the supermarket?" Li Ke asked in confusion.

"What? Are you going to search the supermarket barefoot like this?" Wang Peng said, looking at Li Ke's feet.

Li Ke stepped back embarrassedly. He was so engrossed in what he was saying that he forgot that he was barefoot.

Li Ke pouted and continued to ask, "Then how do we get through? Should we ask someone to move this place away and clear a road?"

Wang Peng looked at the entrance of the entire road, which was 16 meters wide. The entrance was blocked by the cars he and others had detonated. Now those cars were stained with the blood of zombies, and there were large patches of blood under the cars. In front of the car, there were thousands of zombie corpses, piled up in a pile, which looked very disgusting.

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