Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 238 You can eat and drink as you like (ask for the bookshelf!)

"It would be nice if I could get you to change into clean clothes. I'm also thinking about taking a shower." Wang Peng walked around the commercial building and said.

"I just took a look. There are some snack bars on the third floor. The things inside are moldy and there are not many things that can be used. However, there are quite a few clothing stores on the second floor. There are also some children's clothing, women's clothing and the like. , I would be very happy if I brought Xiaowei and the others here." Wang Peng walked to Li Ke and said.

"Okay, after the zombies in Liutong County are cleared up, I'll let you and your Xiaowei go to the mall alone." Li Ke smiled slightly and teased.

Wang Peng scratched his head helplessly and said: "What I mean is that after we finish searching the supermarket, we can bring people here to bring back the clothes here, and then distribute them to the people at the base, so that they can have a change of clothes." clothing."

"Okay, I know you are thinking about others. Let's go out and see how they are doing in the supermarket." Li Ke stood up, put his arm around Wang Peng's shoulders, and said.

The two walked out of the commercial building and saw that everyone was loading things into the truck one after another. Some people still had traces of the food they had just eaten on the corners of their mouths. It seemed that everyone had eaten a lot of food after seeing it. The man who just told Li Ke about Lin Fei's zombie fight came over directly carrying a box of cigarettes.

"Brother, there are really cigarettes and alcohol in this supermarket. Look at the full box, and there are quite a few in it." The man held up the box and said to Li Ke in a show-off manner.

Li Ke came closer and took a look at the box. There were quite a lot of varieties inside. The cigarettes were packed one by one. Except for some dust on them, they were still brand new. Before the end of the world, such a box of cigarettes would have cost at least a thousand yuan. However, this is the end of the world, and as long as you defeat the zombies, you can obtain these supplies.

The man put the box on the truck. Li Ke took out a cigarette from the box, stuffed it into the man's hand, and said: "Here, what I promised you just now, take it and share it with the brothers. The weather is hot, so be careful. Heat stroke."

Although the man found a lot of cigarettes and alcohol, before setting off, Xiao Qiang specifically emphasized that no one was allowed to hide supplies privately. But now that Li Ke directly distributed one, they could smoke openly.

After agreeing, the man happily took the cigarette and distributed it.

Li Ke and Wang Peng also walked into the supermarket together. As soon as they entered the supermarket, they smelled the smell of rotten food. However, there were more zombie corpses piled up outside and the smell was even more unpleasant, so they didn't find the smell unacceptable.

The entire spacious first floor is full of food and snacks, including some meat, vegetables and fruits. The rotten smell that Li Ke and the others smelled was emanating from these foods.

The second floor of the supermarket sells some daily necessities, drinks and other items. The cigarettes just found were taken from here.

Most of the food inside has expired, such as meat, fresh milk and other items, but there are still some usable items, such as cans and some vacuum-packed snacks. Category. As for the daily necessities upstairs, although they are covered with dust, they do not hinder their use at all. With these items, many people in the base can solve their daily problems such as washing and going to the toilet.

Under the command of Wang Peng and Li Ke, everyone moved materials outside in an orderly manner. Soon, two trucks were filled with goods in the supermarket. At this time, almost all the usable materials in the supermarket have been moved by everyone.

After checking the time, it was already approaching noon. Li Ke called everyone over with a wave of his hand.

Wiping the sweat on his head, Li Ke said: "We have almost moved the supermarket. Let's hold on for a while and go to the two commercial buildings to put the clothes, quilts, and some mobile phones inside. Just move the items over.”

"Okay." Everyone had been fighting zombies for so long and carrying goods. Although they were a little tired, they still agreed in unison after hearing Li Ke's words.

Wang Peng had just searched the commercial buildings on both sides. The first floor of the other commercial building sells some accessories such as glasses, the second floor sells some bedding such as sheets and quilt covers, and the third floor sells some slightly larger quilts. Contracted by the hotel.

Since it was approaching noon and it was summer again, there was already no electricity in the commercial building, and naturally there was no air conditioning. Everyone was so tired that they were sweating profusely while carrying supplies. However, when they saw that they had harvested so many supplies, and they knew that these supplies would be distributed to them, they could not restrain their excitement.

Li Ke and Wang Peng were on the side responsible for directing, helping everyone from time to time, and constantly reminding everyone not to suffer from heat stroke.

Soon, with the concerted efforts of everyone, everyone moved the usable items in the two commercial buildings to the trucks. Under Li Ke's instruction, everyone still stuffed the items into the two trucks. On top of the truck, the two trucks were packed to the brim. In order to prevent them from falling, two loops of rope were tied to them.

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