Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 239 A rich harvest (ask for bookshelf!)

There is no other way. We have just entered the main road of the county and have gained so much. Going further in, we will definitely gain more. We can only save space in the car and load more goods.

Li Ke waved his hand and gathered everyone around, even the patrolmen.

"It is hot now and it is close to noon. Let's rest here for an hour and a half. Everyone can eat something and go to the supermarket to find a cool place to lie down for a while. We will continue in the afternoon. Of course, continue to send 10 people to be responsible for guarding at various road intersections. Once an abnormality is found, they must quickly fire a gun to warn. Everyone should keep their guns with them and try to rest together. Every 10 minutes, a group of people will stand guard. Now assign the candidates." Li Ke gathered everyone and spoke to everyone.

After speaking, Li Ke went to arrange for everyone to take turns on duty. The rest of the people went directly into the supermarket, gathered in twos and threes, took some food, and sat on the ground while eating, lying on the smooth tiles to rest.

Wang Peng entered the supermarket and saw that Lin Fei had returned. He was sitting on the ground holding his two swords and leaning against a shelf.

"Have you finished your work? How is it?" Wang Peng looked at Lin Fei and asked as if he did not find anything unusual.

Although Lin Fei did not look much different from the outside, he knew that his physical fitness had been enhanced several times in the small room just now. This can be seen from the fact that he cut off the tail of the lost body with one blow after the upgrade.

"It's done." Lin Fei answered the question concisely, and took the steel knife in his hand and pushed the canned fruit in front of him forward, indicating that Wang Peng could eat.

After a while, Li Ke also entered the supermarket after finishing the arrangement, and sat with Wang Peng and chatted while eating.

"We have a great harvest here, and I don't know how Brother Qiang and his team are doing? I heard that there are quite a few zombies in the Black Wind Base." After Wang Peng was full, he leaned against a stone pillar, wiped his mouth, and said to Li Ke.

"Don't worry, Brother Qiang is following them. With Brother Qiang here, they won't be in any danger." Li Ke patted Wang Peng on the shoulder and said.

3 hours ago, at the Black Wind Base, Xiao Qiang brought Brother Ding, Lin Bingyan and Huang Mao, and more than 70 people, to the Black Wind Base. Xiao Qiang handed the command to Brother Ding, and he rushed directly into the zombie group in the factory area. Let him lead the people at the main entrance, slowly move forward and kill the zombies.

Here, Brother Ding was a team leader at the Black Wind Base before, and was often responsible for taking people out to find supplies, so he was more experienced in commanding.

Under Brother Ding's command, they arranged three trucks into a triangle, and all the people stood on two trucks in the shape of arrows, three people in a group, each group had a machine gun, two cold weapons, and shot at the zombies. At the same time, the driver did not get off the car, so that he could escape at any time when he encountered danger.

In the square in front of the main entrance, some zombies were attracted by Xiao Qiang.

So now there are about 700 zombies left, rushing towards Brother Ding's car.

According to Brother Ding's instructions, since the square in front is large.

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