Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 240 Reasonable Command (ask for the bookshelf!)

The zombies were not so concentrated, so Brother Ding divided each group into areas and told them to save bullets and shoot in bursts instead of randomly shooting. They should wait until the zombies get close before shooting.

At this moment, facing the more than 700 zombies rushing over, Brother Ding stood in the middle of the truck, and Huangmao and Lin Bingyan stood on both sides. Everyone was not panicked at all in the face of the zombies, but the sound of "ta-ta-ta" kept ringing.

"Hit that side." Brother Ding pointed and said.

"You guys shoot towards the middle."

"Pay attention to those holding cold weapons. If the zombies can get close to the front of the car, you must protect the people holding machine guns."

. . . . . . .

Brother Ding stood on the top of the truck and constantly gave instructions according to the changes in the situation on the field.

Huangmao and Lin Bingyan, on the other hand, each held a machine gun and a pistol, and casually shot at the zombies rushing over. Soon, the wave of zombies in the front fell to the ground under the bursts of more than 20 machine guns.

However, the zombies behind were still fearless and continued to charge forward, completely ignoring the bullets shot at them.

The more the zombies ran towards the truck, the denser the zombie group would be. When they reached a certain distance, the group of zombies almost rushed towards the truck with their bodies close to each other.

Seeing this, Brother Ding said, "Change the bursts to sweeps, shoot at the zombies' heads, shoot."

For a while, the gunshots became much denser, and after changing to sweeps, the speed at which the zombies were knocked down was also much faster. Groups of zombies continued to fall on the road rushing towards the truck.

Of course, among these zombies, there were also two level 2 zombies, and as for the level 3 zombies, they were attracted by Xiao Qiang and chased after him. These two level 2 zombies are fast and powerful, and they are relatively balanced. It is difficult for those bullets to hit these high-speed moving zombies. Soon, under the leadership of these two zombies, there are already dozens of zombies less than tens of meters away from Lin Bingyan and the others, and they are about to reach the side of the truck.

If there were no two level 2 zombies, guns would be a one-sided crush on zombies, just like dealing with a group of unarmed people. The difference is that these zombies run a little faster and are not afraid of zombies. But on the wide square in front of them, there are zombie corpses everywhere, and dirty black blood flowing out.

When everyone shot the zombies and only about 100 zombies were left, the level 2 zombie was only about 5 meters away from the truck, and it was already close. Seeing this, Lin Bingyan raised her pistol and shot at the two level 2 zombies, and shot all the bullets in the gun chamber in one breath. It’s a pity that her shooting skills are too poor. Not to mention Wang Peng, she is not even as good as Li Ke. The bullets didn't hit the two level 2 zombies at all, but hit a low-level zombie behind them.

The yellow-haired man next to him naturally discovered the two fast-running level 2 zombies. He looked at Lin Bingyan, who didn't hit any level 2 zombies, shook his head, and raised the machine gun in his hand. The yellow-haired man held up the machine gun, squinted his eyes, aimed at the zombie, and then fired. Fortunately, the distance was close enough, and the yellow-haired man had enough time to aim. After firing several shots, although he didn't kill the zombie, he also hit the leg of one of the zombies. The zombie was also knocked down by the force of the bullet and fell to the ground.

After Lin Bingyan used up the bullets in the gun chamber, she put the pistol back to her waist, put her hands on her chest, and gently clenched her fists. It was seen that under the feet of the injured zombie, a block of ice had already grown, binding the zombie in place and unable to move forward.

Huang Mao saw that the zombie was bounded in place by the ice layer, and knew that it was Lin Bingyan who had ice power, so he immediately gave Lin Bingyan a thumbs up. However, Lin Bingyan was struggling at this time. Now that Lin Bingyan used the ice power, she could not do other things after using it, but had to continue to control her power, otherwise the ice power would disappear. Moreover, Lin Bingyan had just risen to the fourth level of power, and this ability had just been developed. Facing an ordinary second-level zombie that could rival the fourth-level power, it was still a bit stressful.

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