Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 249: Layout of Defense (ask for bookshelf!)

"Okay, I know you are good. Xiao Qiang said, stretched out his hand, and stroked Lin Bingyan's head lovingly.

After a while, while the two were chatting and laughing, they saw Brother Ding and Chen Yuan, who were walking towards them after carrying guns and ammunition.

"Wow, I didn't expect that there were still so many bullets left. Now we have enough ammunition, and it will be easier to deal with zombies." Huangmao said excitedly before he came close.

"Just now I went around the factory area and found that there was a large group of zombies gathered in the center of the factory area, with a number of about 10,000. Let's discuss whether there is any good countermeasure to deal with these zombies." Xiao Qiang said.

"There are so many zombies. If we don't have these guns, we probably can't beat them. Fortunately, everyone has an Ak and more than 10,000 rounds of ammunition, which is enough to deal with these zombies. "Huangmao raised the machine gun in his hand and said confidently.

Lin Bingyan said: "You can't count it that way. First of all, not every bullet of ours can get rid of the zombies. Secondly, if we still stand on the truck like we did just now, even if so many people shoot together, I'm afraid we can't stop the zombies from charging towards us. "

"Bingyan is right, and there are still some high-level zombies among them. Of course, I will deal with these zombies, but if these zombies lead the charge, the zombies will be faster. "Xiao Qiang also echoed.

Huangmao touched his chin with his hand and said thoughtfully: "Yes, what should we do then. "

"We can find a relatively safe place first, then attract the group of zombies, set up defenses, so that those zombies cannot break through the defenses, and we can stand in a safe place and shoot at those zombies. However, with so many zombies, the defense may be easily broken, and it is estimated that it can't stop high-level zombies. "Brother Ding has experience, he replied.

"You can give it a try, as for the safe place?" Xiao Qiang agreed with what Brother Ding said.

As he spoke, Xiao Qiang looked around, looking for a suitable building.

Most of the buildings in the factory were blown up in the riot that night. Even if they climbed up the remaining buildings, they would probably not be able to withstand the charge of the zombies.

However, a building not far away attracted Xiao Qiang's attention. It was a 6-story agency building, and it was also the residence of Lu Bai and others in the previous Black Wind Base.

The agency building was 6 stories high, and the key was that there was a circle of iron fences outside. At that time, these iron fences could be used to build defense facilities to block the charge of the zombies.

"How about there, let everyone enter the agency building over there, build defenses on the periphery with the fences, and use mines and grenades on the road ahead. "Xiao Qiang pointed there and said.

"It's okay, but if the zombies break through the defense there, it will be dangerous. "Brother Ding glanced at the direction of the mechanical building and said with some concern.

"Don't worry, if the zombies really break through, I will find a way to lead everyone out of there. But don't tell them, so that they will feel like they are fighting a desperate battle, and they will work harder to deal with the zombies." Xiao Qiang smiled lightly and said.

"Yeah, if that's the case, then you can give it a try. "Everyone agreed.

Soon, more than 70 people led by Xiao Qiang began to get busy. In addition to sending 10 people to patrol the surrounding area normally. The remaining people went to the road outside the factory to look for vehicles, and the other part directly looked for iron chains, steel bars and other tools to reinforce the iron fence.

Of course, Xiao Qiang was not idle either. With his super strength, he directly pulled an iron rack and placed it in front of the fence.

Then, he took the mines and found a suitable place to put them. There was no way. The system determined that only the mines placed by himself would add the experience of those zombies to Xiao Qiang after the explosion.

Soon, more than 10 cars drove in one after another. In the end of the world, everyone was in a panic when fleeing. It was not difficult to find some cars that could be driven. Under the command of Brother Ding, they were also placed in front of the fence. In the middle of these cars, some iron blocks, chains and other items were thrown to strengthen the defense. Because this place was a steel plant before the end of the world, it was easy to find.

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