Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 250: Powerful Zombie Group (Ask for bookshelf!)

After Xiao Qiang placed all the mines on the road, he returned to the fence and saw that everyone had almost finished setting up the defense facilities. He walked directly to the front of several cars, reached under the car, and pushed it hard to turn it sideways. In this way, even if the zombies hit it, it would not be easy to push these cars. Not only that, Xiao Qiang continued to push these cars, making the cars more stuck and not easy to be pushed.

"It's almost here. Park the truck far away to avoid being destroyed by zombies. You can go upstairs to prepare. Brother Ding will still be in charge at that time. You must pay attention to safety." Xiao Qiang said to everyone.

"Aren't you going upstairs with us? Where are you going?" Lin Bingyan asked.

"I will be responsible for attracting those zombies. When the time comes, I will go to the agency building to find you. Pay attention to safety." Xiao Qiang replied.

"Yeah, then you should pay attention to safety too." Lin Bingyan said to Xiao Qiang with concern.

"Yeah, no problem." Xiao Qiang nodded and replied to everyone.

As he spoke, Xiao Qiang picked up the rocket launcher on the ground, carried it on his shoulder, and brought two shells. He waved to the people behind him and walked towards the place where the zombies were. There was no way. This rocket launcher was an item outside the system. If you want to collect it into the system, you need to spend exchange points. Fortunately, after Xiao Qiang upgraded, this rocket launcher was not too heavy for Xiao Qiang. It was like holding a roll of toilet paper in his hand, but it was easier to carry on the shoulder. He carried it and left.

On the other side, Brother Ding led everyone into the machinery building and climbed to the top of the building.

On the side facing the zombie group, Brother Ding commanded those people to line up. In addition to everyone holding a machine gun, another rocket launcher was placed in the middle for use at any time.

The weather was a bit hot. The people standing on the roof had big beads of sweat dripping on the ground on the roof. Everyone also held the machine gun tightly, staring at the front nervously, waiting for the group of zombies to rush over.

After all, although they had sufficient guns and ammunition and occupied a high and advantageous position. However, the zombie group opposite had nearly 10,000 zombies. If they really rushed up, these guns might not be able to stop them.

At the same time, everyone was very serious, and at this time, Xiao Qiang's careful thoughts came into play. He didn't tell everyone that if the zombies rushed up, Xiao Qiang could lead everyone to escape. Moreover, when Brother Ding told them, he also exaggerated and told everyone that they must destroy the zombies here, and there was no way to retreat. If they were broken through, there would be no place to run.

Therefore, the atmosphere on the entire roof was a little tense and serious.

Xiao Qiang carried a rocket launcher and moved towards the direction of the zombie group. From a distance, he had already heard the roars from the zombie group.

Looking at the tall iron frame next to him, Xiao Qiang was ready to climb up the iron frame again to watch the group of zombies.

With a strong jump, Xiao Qiang jumped more than 10 meters high. He stretched out his hand and grabbed the iron frame in the air. Xiao Qiang's body shook, and he turned in the air and climbed up the iron frame.

Standing on it, Xiao Qiang felt that the weather was still a bit hot, and walked towards the height step by step.

After reaching the height, Xiao Qiang stood on a platform high on the iron frame and gently placed the rocket launcher on the platform. He wiped the sweat from his head and took out the sniper rifle from the system.

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