Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 254 Sniper Mine (ask for bookshelf!)

The reason why the zombies passed by those landmines without causing an explosion was because Xiao Qiang was relatively hidden and deep when he planted the landmines. The reason for doing this is to prevent some fast-running zombies from rushing near the mines and detonating the mines, which will cause a serious waste of mine resources. Xiao Qiang waits until most of the zombies arrive near the mines, then uses a sniper rifle to shoot and detonate the mines.

Soon, these frustrated groups who rushed over were almost outside the fence. Everyone relied on the defense line set up by the car. Of course, the zombies from behind also rushed over in a steady stream. However, these zombies were closer to Xiao Qiang just now. Very close, and there are some faster zombies.

When Brother Ding saw this, he waved his raised palm downwards and shouted: "Hit!"

This time, Brother Ding did not choose to let everyone use machine guns for burst shooting. After all, there were more zombies facing him now, and there was a steady stream of zombies rushing over from behind. Moreover, Brother Ding has arranged for two people to work in groups, which has reduced the combat effectiveness by half. If he fires again, it will really be a waste of martial arts.

Following Brother Ding's order, the sound of bullets kept ringing like firecrackers. Dense bullets continued to hit the zombies from the roof of the building. Soon, the zombies running at the front were knocked to the ground by bullets. However, the zombies behind were still waving their claws one by one, howling "ouch" from their mouths, trampling on the corpses of the fallen zombies, completely ignoring the bullets hitting them, and still charging forward crazily. .

After the person standing in front finished shooting the bullets in the machine gun, he stepped back, while the person behind him took a step forward and continued shooting at the zombies. Everyone was not trained, so when changing positions, it seemed a little slow. However, under the command of Brother Ding, everyone still did not fall into chaos and finished changing positions in an orderly manner, while the people behind them were changing the magazines.

But after probably only changing the position of two waves, Brother Ding discovered that more and more zombies were rushing over downstairs. The zombies were also denser and spread over a wider area. In this case, everyone had to defend the area. It will also become larger.

Brother Ding raised his hand again, waved to everyone, and shouted loudly: "Everyone should stand in front and attack the zombies closest to the group's position. You can shoot freely."

Throughout the entire process, Xiao Qiang did not interfere with Brother Ding's command. Since the command has been given to Brother Ding, we must trust Brother Ding and his command. And Brother Ding’s command is indeed very good. At the same time, Xiao Qiang himself doesn’t like commanding. With his ability to command everyone to fight zombies, Xiao Qiang might as well rush into the zombie group himself, kill the zombies, and gain experience. .

Following Brother Ding's words, the huge group of zombies, some of the zombies standing at the front, had already hit the defense net formed by those cars. With a "bang", the cars that were directly hit moved toward the back. But fortunately, there were iron bars and some iron plates piled under the cars, and iron chains were used to reinforce the middle of the cars. These zombies could not break through the defensive network formed by the cars for a while.

"Click, click, click." The bullets were even denser than before. Many zombies fell on the way forward, but more zombies continued to rush forward from behind. "Bang bang bang", it kept hitting the car, seriously threatening the defense line formed by the car. Of course, there were nearly 200 zombie corpses lying on the entire ground, and more and more zombies were piled up from far to near. However, correspondingly, everyone also fired nearly 5,000 bullets.

Xiao Qiang was a little worried when he saw this. If there were too many zombie corpses near the car, the zombies behind could directly step on the corpses of the zombies and cross the car. Then the defense line built by the car would no longer exist. , zombies can easily cross the car and then attack the fence. In that case, it will be easier for the zombies to break through.

Lying on the roof of the building, Xiao Qiang directly held up his sniper rifle, looked through the scope at the farthest mine, and pulled the trigger. Near the mine, there were many zombies, crowding toward them. Run ahead. The bullet passed directly through the zombies and hit the mine accurately.

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