Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 255 Leading by Example (Ask for bookshelf!)

With a "boom", the mine exploded directly in the zombie group, blowing away many zombies. The place where it was blown up was directly vacated, but there were too many zombies, and soon the zombies behind rushed over again.

"Ding, kill an ordinary level 1 zombie, experience value +6, exchange point +6"

"Ding, kill an ordinary level 1 zombie, experience value +6, exchange point +6."

"Ding, kill an ordinary level 2 zombie, experience value +6, exchange point +6"

. . . . . . .

As the killing prompt sounded, Xiao Qiang continued to shoot, aiming at the place where the mines were placed in advance. Now there are too many zombies rushing over, and the dark mass under the building is full of zombies. "Bang, bang, bang." As Xiao Qiang kept pulling the trigger, the explosions of the mines continued. Not only did they blow away many zombies on the ground at the bottom of the building, but they also blew out many holes. However, soon, the zombies behind rushed up again.

"Ding, kill an ordinary level 1 zombie, experience value +6, exchange point +6"

"Ding, kill an ordinary level 1 zombie, experience value +6, exchange point +6."

"Ding, kill an ordinary level 2 zombie, experience value +6, exchange point +6"

. . . . . .

This wave of mines did kill nearly 200 zombies, but the mine blasting range was limited. After Xiao Qiang detonated all the mines, the zombies continued to attack the car defense network. The zombies in front hit the car, and the zombies in the back kept crowding forward. The car was also constantly pushed backwards. Even the chains were broken free by the zombies' crazy forward rush.

Brother Ding naturally noticed such a problem. He stood in the middle of the crowd on the roof and looked at Xiao Qiang. He found that Xiao Qiang was still holding a sniper rifle and aiming and shooting. It seemed that he had handed over the command to him. This made him feel relieved.

"Everyone, take out the grenades and throw them at the zombies near the car defense network." Brother Ding shouted loudly.

Brother Ding's command was indeed good, and Xiao Qiang was more trustworthy. So after hearing what Brother Ding said, everyone put the AK in their hands aside and took the grenades they had just obtained from the warehouse from their waists.

With a "whoosh", more than 70 grenades poured down from the roof, and most of them were thrown directly in front of the car. The "booming" explosion sounded continuously. In an instant, the group of zombies in front of the car, who were baring their fangs and claws, had been blown to death. Most of them, and the pressure in front of the car was relieved for a moment, and even the ground was a large area of ​​potholes.

However, the blasting range and lethality of grenades are limited after all. Even if the number of zombies is dense enough now, after only relieving the pressure for a moment, the zombies behind quickly rushed up again and launched an attack on the car.

The white-hot battle, with the continuous explosion of grenades, has finally officially kicked off. Since the end of the world, on this former continent, battles between humans and zombies have been taking place almost every moment. On this land, humans and zombies are destined to not coexist. Xiao Qiang and his team's battle was just one of many battles, but the battle in front of the agency building was the first large-scale battle launched since the establishment of Longshan Base. It may not be so important to others, but it is a battle of extraordinary significance to everyone in Longshan Base.

The scorching sun shines on the land, and the clothes of everyone on the roof have long been soaked with sweat, but no one complains, and no one has time to think about these problems. Because the zombies are just under the building, and there are broken walls behind them. If they can't resist the zombies, then everyone will have no way out. Moreover, this is the first battle after everyone entered Longshan Base. In Longshan Base, they feel the difference from the Black Wind Base. In Xiao Qiang, the leader, they see the difference from Lu Bai. Although today's battle is to search for supplies for the base, they can clearly feel in their hearts that these supplies will be allocated to them.

When he was at the base, the team leaders were the last to eat. When he went out to search for supplies, Xiao Qiang set an example by doing the most dangerous work. Even now, he is still lying on the slightly hot concrete roof, constantly pulling the trigger and killing zombies.

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