Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 256 The bullets are running out (ask for the bookshelf!)

Sweat continued to drip down Xiao Qiang's young face. Everyone saw it and was full of confidence in Xiao Qiang as a leader.

At this moment, seeing Xiao Qiang, the leader, still lying steadily on the roof, everyone felt reassured. Even though there was a tide of zombies below, they still had no intention of retreating. They stood on the roof and kept shooting at the zombies below.

The sound of "da da da" of shooting also rang out on this land. There were already many zombie corpses lying in the group of zombies in front of the agency building. The dirty blood below was also left on the ground, piled up high, and even the charging zombies stood much higher.

The people on the agency building were also sweating profusely, but fortunately, because they did not fight the zombies in close combat, they did not suffer any casualties. In the sound of machine gun shooting, there was also the sound of grenade explosions from time to time, and at this moment, more than half of the zombies had been eliminated.

Of course, in addition to the sound of grenade explosions, there was also the sound of rocket launcher ammunition exploding in the middle. The one who fired the rocket launcher was Xiao Qiang. The rocket launcher ammunition was powerful and could cause a huge explosion at one time, killing many zombies. How could Xiao Qiang let go of such an easy way to earn experience? So he put the two remaining rocket launcher shells next to him early in the morning. With a "bang", Xiao Qiang fired the last shell towards the zombie-dense area.

"Ding, kill an ordinary level 1 zombie, experience value +6, exchange point +6"

"Ding, kill an ordinary level 1 zombie, experience value +6, exchange point +6."

"Ding, kill an ordinary level 2 zombie, experience value +6, exchange point +6"

. . . . . . .

If it continues like this, then this group of zombies will be easily solved by everyone. However, there were two level 4 zombies in this group of zombies, and the defense network formed by the cars was soon knocked out by the zombies under the continuous impact of the zombies. Even the iron chains tied to them were directly torn off, and the cars were constantly pushed back.

"Hurry up, shoot there!" Brother Ding saw the gap and shouted loudly to everyone.

"Da Da Da" dense bullets immediately shot at the zombies in the gap, and many zombie bodies fell on the road in the gap. Among them, it is unknown who fired the bullets, hitting the fuel tank of the car, directly detonating the car. With a "boom" explosion, the whole car was on fire, and the zombies close to the car were also shaken away.

Seeing this, Xiao Qiang smiled slightly, turned the sniper rifle, aimed at the fuel tank position of those cars, and pulled the trigger continuously. "Boom boom boom", under Xiao Qiang's deliberate attack, all the cars were detonated, and the air waves from the car explosions directly blew away the approaching zombies.

"Good shooting skills, when we return to the base, you must teach me how to shoot when you have time." Seeing this, Lin Bingyan said directly to Xiao Qiang beside her.

"No problem!" Xiao Qiang lay on the ground, showing a self-proclaimed handsome smile, and blinked at Lin Bingyan.

Here, just now because the explosion of the car eased the momentum of the zombies rushing forward, two sturdy zombies rushed out of the zombie group, rushed to the front of the cars, and directly hit those cars. The zombies were so powerful that they broke the iron chain directly, and even the cars were knocked out with a large gap.

Xiao Qiang looked over and recognized that they were two level three zombies, which should be strength types. After the two zombies collided, they continued to collide. Soon, the car was hit to the sides, revealing a large hole. The zombies behind rushed through the hole, leaving only the iron fence in front of them as a defense.

Moreover, not only that, the crowd on the roof soon discovered that they were running out of bullets after such a crazy shooting.

"Brother Ding, I don't have many bullets left. I only have about 50 left."

"Mine too, only 30 left."

"I still have 100 left, but I can't hold on for long if I keep shooting like this."

. . . . . .

Soon, everyone in the crowd realized that they didn't have many bullets left, and they all started reporting to Brother Ding.

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