Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 258: Raid and kill the third-level zombie instantly (ask for the bookshelf!)

After Xiao Qiang jumped down from the building, the two female claw zombies had already rushed over the fence and rushed towards the mechanism building.

"Raid", facing the two zombies rushing over, Xiao Qiang directly used his skills. First, there were too many zombies now, and Xiao Qiang didn't want to waste time fighting with these two level 3 zombies for too long. Second, after reaching level 8, Xiao Qiang's strength will be restored again, and his strength will also increase.

"Ding, the host uses the raid skill, proficiency +1, current proficiency 21/100."

Xiao Qiang found that after he was promoted to level 8, he felt more comfortable using the raid skill, and the speed was also faster. After using the raid skill, Xiao Qiang appeared directly behind one of the claw level 3 zombies, and the "spear form" of the Thousand Machine Umbrella in his hand was directly handed out, and the Thousand Machine Umbrella had already pierced the zombie's head. Xiao Qiang's attack was very sharp and fast. He reached the back of the zombie in an instant and then quickly attacked, piercing the zombie's head.

Kill instantly! In just one encounter, Xiao Qiang used a skill to kill a level 3 zombie instantly.

The dirty blood flowed out along Xiao Qiang's Thousand Machine Umbrella. Xiao Qiang pulled it hard, and the zombie lost its support and fell forward on the ground.

"Ding, kill an ordinary level 3 zombie, experience value +210, exchange point +210"

The zombie next to him heard the movement and turned around. He let out a howl in his throat, raised his claws, and slashed hard at Xiao Qiang's head. Xiao Qiang touched the button, and the Thousand Machine Umbrella changed its form. The spear at the end of the umbrella was retracted, and the Thousand Machine Umbrella directly turned into a broadsword.

While pressing the button, Xiao Qiang turned half a turn and avoided the zombie's claws, and his whole body was behind the zombie. The Thousand Machine Umbrella in his hand turned gently, from top to bottom, and chopped the zombie hard. The speed of this knife was very fast, and Xiao Qiang was very strong. While chopping off one of the zombie's arms, he also chopped the zombie directly to the ground.

Xiao Qiang stepped forward and stepped on the body of the zombie. He gently waved the Thousand Machine Umbrella (knife form) in his hand, and the zombie's head was chopped off by the sharp blade on the Thousand Machine Umbrella.

"Ding, kill an ordinary level 3 zombie, experience value +210, exchange point +210"

After a face-to-face, after a few simple moves, the two level 3 zombies have been solved. It makes people feel that this level 3 zombie is just like this. In fact, this level 3 zombie is also very powerful, otherwise Li Ke would not have fought so hard on the roof of the commercial building. It was just that after meeting Xiao Qiang, under the suppression of Xiao Qiang's powerful strength, he was able to use such a simple trick to solve the zombie, and then he felt that this level 3 zombie was just like this.

"Handsome, Xiao Qiang, he killed two zombies just after landing on the ground. I'll ask him to teach me this move later." Huang Mao saw Xiao Qiang's action from the upstairs and couldn't help but exclaimed loudly.

"So strong, Xiao Qiang looks much stronger than the last time we met. Has Xiao Qiang upgraded again in such a short time?" As the saying goes, laymen watch the excitement, while experts see the doorway. Brother Ding took a look and felt that Xiao Qiang had become much stronger again, and couldn't help muttering in his heart.

"Hit slowly, don't hit Xiao Qiang." Brother Ding also reminded everyone on the roof loudly. However, he was obviously overthinking. At Xiao Qiang's level, even if he was shot at Xiao Qiang face to face, he could dodge it.

Lin Bingyan stood on the roof, holding her pistol, and saw that Xiao Qiang had killed two zombies after jumping downstairs, but she didn't shout like Huang Mao, she just smiled.

After Xiao Qiang got rid of the two zombies, the iron fence in front of him had been bent by the two strong zombies and tilted towards the ground. The two zombies stepped on the iron fence and ran towards Xiao Qiang. Not only that, after the two zombies broke through the defense net at the iron fence, a large group of zombies followed behind and rushed over.

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