Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 259 Using the Crazy Dragon Sword Technique (Ask for the bookshelf!)

The gunfire on the rooftop became much less frequent. As the gunfire became less frequent, several explosions of grenades broke out from the zombies in the distance. It seems that someone upstairs has run out of bullets, so they started to use the few grenades to continue to deal with the zombies.

Seeing the zombies in front of him break through the iron fence, and the bullets left by everyone were running out, not only that, but the time for his triple experience card and triple exchange point card was really running out. Xiao Qiang stood in front of the zombies, holding the Thousand Machine Umbrella (sword form) with both hands, and had already made a decision.

"It seems that it's time to use the big move." Xiao Qiang raised his mouth slightly and said softly.

"This is the new skill I learned recently, called the Crazy Dragon Sword Skill, which just matches the latest developed form of the Thousand Machine Umbrella. Today, I will use you to try the sword." The zombies have arrived in front of Xiao Qiang, but Xiao Qiang still said softly as if he didn't see it.

After saying that, the strong zombie stood in front of Xiao Qiang, and his thick fist had already smashed down on the zombie's head.

Just when everyone on the roof was sweating for Xiao Qiang, Xiao Qiang moved, gently turned his head to the side, and dodged the zombie's attack. Then, he took two steps forward and took the initiative to break into the zombie group.

"Mad Dragon Sword Technique!"

"Ding, use the Mad Dragon Sword Technique, proficiency +1, current proficiency is 1/100."

After stepping into the zombie group, Xiao Qiang slowly raised the Thousand Machine Umbrella (sword form), and after using the Mad Dragon Sword Technique, he chopped the zombies around him left and right, and one knife could kill one. At first glance, Xiao Qiang's skill is not much different from the usual knife-wielding. However, if Lin Fei was present, he would observe that every knife-wielding action of Xiao Qiang was made according to the current situation, and there were some tricks connected between the two actions.

Not only that, Xiao Qiang's knife-swinging speed was getting faster and faster, and the zombies around him fell faster and faster. Not long after, many zombies had fallen under Xiao Qiang's feet. At this moment, Xiao Qiang's knife-swinging speed was already very fast. The people on the rooftop couldn't even see the Thousand Machine Umbrella clearly. They could only see Xiao Qiang standing in the zombie group, waving the knife shadow, and the sunlight shining over and reflecting the sunlight.

Soon, there were no zombies around Xiao Qiang. Xiao Qiang also waved the Thousand Machine Umbrella (knife form) and attacked the place where there were more zombies that had rushed into the fence. Xiao Qiang was walking and fighting at the same time. There was a lot of dirty blood flowing down the machine building, but the surface of the Thousand Machine Umbrella made of black gold was not stained with any blood. The dirty blood dripped on it and would also flow down along the blade. The peculiarity of the Thousand Machine Umbrella has surprised Xiao Qiang many times. No wonder the system says that this black gold is the most precious metal in the end times.

"Ding, kill an ordinary level 1 zombie, experience value +6, exchange point +6"

"Ding, kill an ordinary level 1 zombie, experience value +6, exchange point +6."

"Ding, kill an ordinary level 2 zombie, experience value +6, exchange point +6"

. . . . . . .

It sounds complicated, but in fact, all this happened very quickly. It didn't take Xiao Qiang long to get down to the machinery building, and hundreds of zombie bodies were left in the fence. Xiao Qiang waved the Thousand Machine Umbrella (knife form) like a machine to harvest zombies, constantly killing zombies towards the dense zombie group.

Just now, Xiao Qiang bypassed the two level 3 zombies and rushed directly into the group of low-level zombies to kill zombies. The two zombies chased Xiao Qiang and rushed over, one in front and one behind him, and they double-teamed Xiao Qiang, raising their fists and hitting Xiao Qiang's head.

Xiao Qiang had just quickly swung the Thousand Machine Umbrella (in knife form) to deal with a zombie, and Xiao Qiang felt two fist winds coming, which clearly made Xiao Qiang feel the power. He aimed directly at the fist of the zombie standing in front of him, and swung his knife to meet it. It must be said that the power of this level 3 zombie was indeed quite strong, and Xiao Qiang's tiger mouth was a little painful.

However, after the two collided, the zombie's fist was directly cut off by Xiao Qiang's knife. At the same time, Xiao Qiang slightly sidestepped the fist of the level 3 zombie behind him, and endured the pain in his palm, and directly followed the momentum of the Thousand Machine Umbrella to cut off the zombie's fist, and chopped towards the zombie behind him.

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