Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 260 Exchange Bullets (ask for the bookshelf!)

With a "puff", the Thousand Chance Umbrella (knife form) accurately hit the zombie's head, and the huge force caused the zombie's body to fall backwards, with its outstretched fist still raised in the air.

"Ding, kill an ordinary level 3 zombie, experience value +210, exchange point +210"

With one strike, the two level 3 zombies were injured and one died, which is the power of the Crazy Dragon Sword Technique. However, the power of the Crazy Dragon Sword Technique is more than that, and nearly 300 zombie corpses were left on the ground.

After Xiao Qiang killed the level 3 zombie behind him, he slowed down, threw it lightly with his right hand, and caught the Thousand Chance Umbrella (knife form) with his left hand. He took two steps forward, and the Thousand Chance Umbrella (knife form) passed over the zombie's neck.

"Ding, kill an ordinary level 3 zombie, experience +210, exchange points +210"

"Ding, the triple experience card usage time is up."

"Ding, the triple exchange point card usage time is up."

Accompanied by the reminder sound, "bang bang bang" multiple grenades exploded in succession at the defense built by the car outside the fence. The explosion even scared Xiao Qiang, and he couldn't help but cover his ears. Originally immersed in the handsome pose of killing two level 3 zombies just now, Xiao Qiang looked at the rooftop, looked in the direction of Brother Ding, and rolled his eyes at him.

It turned out that when Xiao Qiang was fighting the zombies, everyone's bullets had been used up, and Brother Ding asked everyone to throw all the remaining grenades into the zombie group at the car.

Due to Xiao Qiang's killing inside the fence and the grenades thrown at the car, the zombies' attack speed was greatly slowed down, and a gap appeared inside the fence, and the zombies outside were temporarily blocked by the grenades.

Seeing that there were no zombies in the fence for the time being, Xiao Qiang gently picked up the stone building next to his body with the Thousand Machine Umbrella, and Xiao Qiang accurately threw it to the fence that was knocked open by the two level 3 zombies, blocking it at the fence. Moreover, there were more than 2,000 zombies left at this time.

Seeing that there were no zombies at the fence, Xiao Qiang stood by the wall and planned to enter the system to exchange some bullets. If he directly conjured bullets in front of everyone, it would inevitably surprise them again.

"Xiao Cong, I want to exchange some bullets. Help me see how many exchange points I have now. Also, how many exchange points do I need to spend to exchange bullets?" Xiao Qiang entered the system and said to Xiao Cong.

Xiao Cong in the system stretched his body, rubbed his sleepy eyes, looked at Xiao Qiang and said, "Host, have you finished fighting the zombies?"

"Not yet, Xiao Cong, you are too idle. Now the bullets are not enough, so we need to replenish the ammunition. No more words, the zombies are about to attack." Xiao Qiang saw Xiao Cong sleeping so leisurely, and couldn't help rolling his eyes and said.

It's strange to say that Xiao Cong in this system also has the same thinking and living habits as normal humans, but Xiao Qiang has adapted to facing Xiao Cong, so he doesn't find it strange.

"Okay, host, the host has a total of 37,200 exchange points. It takes 10 exchange points to exchange a rifle bullet and 5 exchange points to exchange a pistol bullet." Xiao Cong said.

"Hmm? Xiao Cong, are the exchange points for this bullet a little cheaper?" Xiao Qiang couldn't help asking after hearing Xiao Cong's words.

"Yes, this system is committed to making the host a person who can save the end of the world, so it will naturally make corresponding changes according to the current situation. Now the host has begun to deal with zombies on a large scale, and the host can also get bullets from other places, so the price will naturally be reduced accordingly." Xiao Cong said.

"Then you might as well exchange it for free directly, so that it will be easier for me to fight zombies." Xiao Qiang heard Xiao Cong's words and complained to Xiao Cong directly.

"Host! In that case, the host will get it too easily, and it will not make the host stronger. This current exchange point is the best exchange point obtained by the system based on the current situation through a series of complex algorithms. The host should not be ignorant of the blessing." Xiao Cong pouted and explained with a little anger.

"Okay, you have the final say, then exchange 3,000 rifle bullets for me, plus 100 pistol bullets." Xiao Qiang roughly calculated and said to Xiao Cong, of which the 100 pistol bullets were naturally for Lin Bingyan.

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