Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 261 Bullet Consumption (Ask for the bookshelf!)

"Okay, host, 3,000 rifle bullets, plus 100 pistol bullets, cost a total of 30,500 exchange points. Will you take them now?" Xiao Cong said.

"Take them now." Xiao Qiang felt a little pained when he saw that he had spent so many exchange points at once. He had to kill 5 zombies to get this bullet.

"It has been issued to the host. Does the host have any other needs?" Xiao Cong continued to ask.

"No, Xiao Cong, let's not talk about it now. I have to start killing zombies." As he said that, Xiao Qiang quickly exited the system because he had heard the sound of the remaining zombies hitting the fence.

After Xiao Qiang exited the system, he saw 3 boxes of rifle bullets in front of him, and two boxes of pistol bullets on top. At this time, he could only hear the sound of zombies hitting the fence, and the sound of gunfire and grenade explosions had all stopped.

Although Xiao Qiang didn't feel heavy carrying so many bullets, it was no longer convenient for him to climb up along the eaves as he had just done. Xiao Qiang kicked open the door of the machinery building and ran directly into the machinery building, intending to climb up the stairs to the roof. When passing the 6th floor, Xiao Qiang felt that the temperature was a little cool, but he didn't think much about it, after all, the zombies were approaching.

When he reached the roof of the machinery building, Xiao Qiang looked over and saw that everyone was looking at the zombies below with a nervous look on their faces, and many people had taken out the machetes behind them. Brother Ding saw Xiao Qiang coming and hurried to meet him.

"Wow, where did you get so many bullets?" Brother Ding said to Xiao Qiang.

"There are still some left in the room below, I brought them up, and I'm going to share them with them." Xiao Qiang said.

After seeing Brother Ding agreed, he hurriedly called everyone behind him to come and collect the bullets.

Seeing this, Xiao Qiang grabbed Brother Ding's hand and said with a trembling voice: "These are the last bullets, try to save them."

There is no way, these 3,000 bullets cost Xiao Qiang 30,000 exchange points. Thinking of the exchange points spent, Xiao Qiang felt a little painful.

"Okay, okay, don't worry." Brother Ding was so happy when he saw the bullets that he couldn't close his mouth and promised Xiao Qiang repeatedly.

Xiao Qiang walked to Lin Bingyan's side and saw that Lin Bingyan put her coat on her head to prevent her from getting tanned. It seems that even in the end of the world, women's love of beauty still exists.

"Here, these are your bullets." Xiao Qiang handed the 100 bullets to Lin Bingyan and said.

"Okay, thank you!" Lin Bingyan took the bullets, winked at Xiao Qiang and said.

Xiao Qiang smiled, touched Lin Bingyan's hair, and looked at the zombies downstairs.

"Everyone, continue to form groups of two, alternately shoot, try to fire in bursts, aim and shoot, because there are not many bullets left." Brother Ding shouted to the crowd after distributing the bullets.

"Da", "Da", "Da", the sound of gunfire rang out again, but this time the sound of machine guns was much sparser than before, and the speed was much slower. Fortunately, there were only more than 2,000 zombies left, and the impact on the fence was much smaller, so the pressure on everyone was not that great.

Xiao Qiang stood on the roof and did not take out the sniper rifle to deal with these zombies, because a sniper bullet cost 15 exchange points, and now there is no triple exchange point card, killing zombies can get 2 exchange points. After the exchange just now, Xiao Qiang felt that although it was easy to fight zombies in this way, it was a huge consumption of exchange points, which was too much of a loss.

In fact, this is the power of this system. It can make the host realize the problem and actively try to use some close combat methods to test strength, instead of hitting zombies so easily. Although the zombies killed by gunfire can be counted as experience and improve Xiao Qiang's strength, it is incomparable to close combat.

Xiao Qiang looked downstairs, but only found the long-tongued level 3 zombie and another giant-handed zombie in the zombie group. The remaining level 4 zombie with a very ordinary appearance, but no one knew where it ran away.

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