Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 262 Use Broken Palm Again (Ask for bookshelf!)

The giant-armed zombie directly pushed away the low-level zombies blocking it. Walking in front of the stone building, I slapped it directly with my palm. The stone actually cracked several gaps. The zombie struck again, and the stone building was completely shattered into small pieces of stone, scattered on the ground.

Everyone upstairs was shocked when they saw it. They didn't expect that the power of the zombie with giant palms was so great. The marble could not withstand the two palms of the zombie. In fact, this level 4 zombie itself is comparable to the strong level 8, and the characteristics of this zombie are very obvious, that is, his giant palms are not only extremely hard, bullets cannot penetrate them, even the strength of both palms The forces are very powerful.

When Xiao Qiang saw this, the zombie broke through the fence again, rushed into the fence, and shouted loudly at Brother Ding: "You shoot the zombies outside the fence, and I will deal with the zombies inside."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Brother Ding to reply, he turned to Lin Bingyan and said softly: "Protect yourself."

After Xiao Qiang finished speaking, he jumped directly and jumped downstairs from the roof of the agency building again. With the experience just now, everyone on the roof was not too worried about Xiao Qiang. According to Xiao Qiang, they ignored the zombies inside the fence and shot at the zombies outside the fence. Xiao Qiang still followed the method just now. After jumping from the roof, he buffered himself on the third floor, and then jumped down gently.

After landing, there were already hundreds of zombies swarming in the fence. Xiao Qiang didn't say much and directly used the "raid" technique.


"Ding, the host uses the surprise technique, the proficiency is +1, the current proficiency is 22/100."

Xiao Qiang chose to flash to a place very close to the zombies, because he was inside the zombie group in the distance. After reaching behind the zombie, at such a close distance, the Thousand Chance Umbrella could not be deployed. Xiao Qiang directly took out the bone spur dagger. On the blade of the bone spur dagger, there was a clearly visible word "Lu", which Xiao Qiang carved on it with the Thousand Chance Umbrella in order to commemorate Bai Lu.

After taking out the bone spur dagger, Xiao Qiang held the bone spur dagger and turned it around in his hand. The tip of the dagger was facing forward. He held the dagger with both hands and thrust it into the zombie's head with all his strength. The level 4 zombie reacted quickly and stretched out a palm to block the body behind it. The huge palm not only protected its head, but also most of its back. With one blow from Xiao Qiang, the dagger hit the zombie's palm with a "ding" sound, but the sharp bone spur dagger did not penetrate the zombie's giant palm.

Xiao Qiang continued to exert force and slashed downwards with his palm, but he only left a trace on the zombie's hard giant palm. It felt like using an ordinary dagger to scratch the steel plate. As expected of an ordinary level 4 zombie, he is really powerful. Not only can he react quickly to resist Xiao Qiang's suddenly thrust out dagger, but he can also use his giant palm to defend against Xiao Qiang's use of the bone spur dagger on his palm.

The attack was unsuccessful, and there were already two low-level zombies nearby waving their claws at Xiao Qiang. Xiao Qiang directly held the bone spur dagger and turned around in a circle. The dagger in his hand had already scratched the necks of the two zombies.

"Ding, kill an ordinary level 1 zombie, experience +6, exchange points +6"

"Ding, kill an ordinary level 1 zombie, experience +6, exchange points +6."

Then, Xiao Qiang jumped high into the air. He did a forward somersault and jumped out of the zombie horde, keeping a certain distance from the zombie horde.

Seeing more and more zombies pouring into the fence, and there were still sparse shooting sounds upstairs, Xiao Qiang knew that there were still too few bullets, and he had to use his ultimate move, otherwise he would be entangled with level 4 zombies. Other zombies can rush to the top of the building.

"Shattered Palm!"

Shattering Palm is the first advanced skill that Xiao Qiang has obtained. Of course, now Xiao Qiang only has two advanced skills in total, among which the Thunder Claw is composed of two intermediate skills. Of course, even now, this Shattered Palm is Xiao Qiang's strongest skill at present. Just looking at the energy value it consumes, you can see that using the Shattered Palm once will consume 1,200 points of vigor. Fortunately, Xiao Qiang had just upgraded and had sufficient strength, otherwise he wouldn't have been so extravagant in using techniques like Shattering Palm. This Shattered Palm can be said to be Xiao Qiang's trump card. He was able to kill Lu Bai that day. It was thanks to the use of the Shattered Palm that he seriously injured Lu Bai and successfully killed Lu Bai, who had level 8 powers.

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