Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 263 The power of the broken palm is huge (ask for the bookshelf!)

Of course, when he used the Shattering Palm, Xiao Qiang was only at the level 7 of a strong person. As the strength of this technique increases, the effect it exerts will also increase. Now, if he is a level 8 strong person, When the strength is used, it will inevitably become stronger.

"Ding, the host uses Broken Palm, proficiency +1, current proficiency is 57/100."

When the prompt sounded, Xiao Qiang used all his strength on his palms, and swung his palms forward forcefully. "Bang bang bang", in an instant, I saw the level 4 zombie raising its giant palms and attacking his head. The hard palms had been directly blown away, and the broken parts of his arms were blown to pieces. However, his body withstood the damage with his palms and fell to the side, but he did not suffer any major damage. Moreover, not only that, the group of zombies that followed the level 4 zombies into the fence were directly blown away, and some of their bodies were directly smashed by a palm, leaving a bloody trace on the ground. . The zombies that were directly blown away by the palm hit the fence, causing the fence behind them to collapse. Even the stone buildings in the distance were directly shattered by the power of Xiao Qiang's shattering palm.

"Ding, kill an ordinary level 1 zombie, experience +6, exchange points +6"

"Ding, kill an ordinary level 1 zombie, experience +6, exchange points +6."

"Ding, kill an ordinary level 2 zombie, experience +6, exchange points +6"

. . . . . .

The beeps kept ringing for a moment. Xiao Qiang estimated that there were at least more than 1,000 zombies inside the fence. With Xiao Qiang's palm, all of them except the level 4 zombie were wiped out. It’s just that the level 3 zombie with the long tongue disappeared somewhere, and there was no killing sound in the system. The ground was not only covered with corpses of zombies, but also those whose bodies had been smashed by Xiao Qiang. Their organs and dirty blood were mixed together, making it black and flowing all over the ground.

Xiao Qiang also looked at his palms in surprise. Unexpectedly, after he upgraded, the power of these broken palms turned out to be so amazing. However, after using a powerful move like Shattering Palm, although so many zombies are killed at once, in addition to consuming 1,200 points of energy, the user will feel very tired. , after all, a palm is equivalent to focusing all the strength of the whole body on the zombies. Xiao Qiang is also at this moment. He seems to have done a lot of work. He doesn't have much strength in his body and his forehead is covered with beads of sweat. However, this situation will not last too long. Xiao Qiang only needs a short rest to regain his strength.

Although the fence was knocked out of use by Xiao Qiang with one palm, more than 1,000 zombies were eliminated with one palm. In addition to the shooting on the roof just now, there are now less than 500 zombies left. , the pressure of defending against zombies on the roof has also been reduced a lot. Xiao Qiang dragged his tired body, listening to the sparse gunshots coming from the rooftop, and walked step by step to the level 4 zombie. The level 4 zombie's hand was directly blown off by Xiao Qiang, and blood continued to pour out of the palm, even the bones inside were exposed.

Xiao Qiang took out the Thousand Chance Umbrella (in spear form) from the system, aimed at the zombie's head and inserted it hard, then pulled out the Thousand Chance Umbrella, put it back into the system, and removed it from the mechanism building. Go up the stairs slowly.

"Ding, kill an ordinary level 4 zombie, experience +500, exchange points +500, and reward Qingfeng Knee Pads (intermediate level)."

"It's too strong. How many trump cards does Xiao Qiang have? He killed more than 1,000 zombies with just one blow. Even the former Lu Bai probably couldn't do it." Brother Ding was upstairs. On top, naturally, he saw that after Xiao Qiang waved two palms, the zombie standing in front of Xiao Qiang was eliminated, and he couldn't help but murmur in his heart.

"So strong, is this still a human being?"

"Nonsense, of course they are people, and they are people from our base. Our base will definitely become stronger and stronger now."

"It's awesome. If Xiao Qiang has such a killing move, even if he doesn't bring us, the more than 10,000 zombies may not be his opponent."

. . . . . .

Xiao Qiang, who was walking on the stairs, naturally didn't know what was going on at the top of the building. He didn't know how much shock he had given them with his palm.

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