Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 264 Qingfeng Kneepad (ask for bookshelf!)

Walking on the stairs, Xiao Qiang only felt that after using the Shattered Palm, all the strength in his body seemed to be drained, and it was a little difficult to even raise his hand. It seems that although the Shattering Palm technique is good, it must be used with caution. It cannot be used without ensuring safety. If after using it, there are powerful zombies coming next to you, how can you deal with the zombies if you have no strength?

However, this feeling of powerlessness did not last too long. Xiao Qiang could feel a little bit of strength restored almost every time he climbed a step. When they reached the third floor, they saw Lin Bingyan running down the stairs, supported Xiao Qiang, and continued walking up. It turned out that Lin Bingyan, who was watching from the roof, naturally discovered Xiao Qiang's condition, so she quickly came down from the roof to help Xiao Qiang.

"Xiao Qiang, are you okay?" Lin Bingyan supported Xiao Qiang's body and asked caringly.

"It's okay, it's okay. I just worked too hard. I'll just rest on the roof for a while." Xiao Qiang looked at Lin Bingyan and said easily.

Soon, Lin Bingyan helped Xiao Qiang to the top of the building. Xiao Qiang sat on the eaves and saw that after consuming nearly 2,000 bullets, there were only more than 100 zombies left on the roof. Under the firepower of everyone, the zombies could not even enter the fence, and it was only a matter of time before they were eliminated.

However, Xiao Qiang was not worried about these low-level zombies. Another level 4 zombie and the level 3 long-tongued zombie just now were not among these zombies.

"Da da da da" gunshots continued to sound. The zombies below the building were still charging forward fearlessly, but it was already difficult to put pressure on the people on the roof.

Xiao Qiang entered the system and planned to take a look at the rewards he received after killing ordinary level 4 zombies.

Qingfeng Knee Pads (Intermediate) - Made of body armor material, but modified to feel soft when worn. In addition, if you put together a set of Qingfeng series, the defense effect will be better.

Xiao Qiang had obtained a piece of Qingfeng Armor before, and its defensive effect was very strong. The Bone Spur Dagger could not scratch the Qingfeng Armor, but I don’t know how many pieces there are in the Qingfeng series. The system said that the effect was achieved. What would be even better is a complete Qingfeng series of armors.

"Xiao Cong, how many pieces are there in this Qingfeng series? Can you help me put them on directly? After all, it's not easy to wear this knee pads too obviously in front of so many people." Xiao Qiang said to Xiao Cong asked.

"Host, there are a total of 4 pieces in the Qingfeng series, namely Qingfeng Armor (intermediate), Qingfeng Helmet (intermediate), Qingfeng Kneepads (intermediate) and Qingfeng Shoes (intermediate). This system is powerful and can naturally be worn by the host. ." Xiao Cong continued to face Xiao Qiang mischievously.

After Xiao Cong finished speaking, Xiao Qiang felt that he had a Qingfeng knee pad on his legs. It was not only light but also breathable. Xiao Qiang moved his legs slightly and found that it did not affect his activities at all, unlike the Qingfeng knee pad. The same goes for armor.

At this time, it was almost noon, and the sun was scorching the people on the roof. Everyone's clothes were soaked with sweat, and big beads of sweat continued to fall to the ground on the roof. Facing those many zombies just now, everyone was tense and stressed, and they were still a bit hot despite the fact that they were still a bit hot. Now, the number of zombies below has decreased somewhat. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Not only did they feel hot, but they also felt a little tired. They slowly shot at the remaining 20 or so zombies. Some people finished shooting with machine guns. After taking the bullet, he stood aside and rested.

Xiao Qiang was observing the Black Wind system in the system when he suddenly heard a "bang" and a loud noise from the roof of the building behind him. Xiao Qiang opened his eyes and saw that there were about 20 zombies left under the building. From time to time, bullets were fired at the zombies on the roof. However, the fewer zombies, the more testing of shooting skills. When the number of zombies is large, you can shoot at the zombies downstairs and you can hit the zombies. When the number of zombies is small, although there is less pressure from the crowd, it is difficult to hit those zombies.

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