Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 265 Facing Two Zombies (Ask for the bookshelf!)

Accompanied by the loud noise, everyone stopped shooting and turned to look at the place on the roof behind them where the noise came from. Xiao Qiang also opened his eyes to look at the situation at the bottom of the building, and then turned his head to look at the place behind him where the noise came from. On the roof, from the opposite side, a long tongue stretched out directly to the roof. With the loud noise, a long crack was smashed on the concrete floor at the roof, and the flesh thorns on the tongue were tightly attached to the eaves.

Xiao Qiang hurriedly got up and rushed over to see what was going on, but found that after getting up, his strength was still not recovered, and he still felt a little tired when walking. Unexpectedly, although the power of this broken palm increased a lot after reaching the 8th level of the strong, the aftereffects were also very strong. However, Xiao Qiang felt that although the aftereffects were strong, they did not cause any damage to the body. It was not like the fatigue after being injured. It was just that the body was too tired because of the excessive use of strength. Moreover, Xiao Qiang felt that his physical strength was recovering rapidly. Now, if he ignored his physical fatigue and forced himself to use force, he could probably use the strength of a strong man at level 2.

At this time, Brother Ding and Huang Mao, who discovered the situation, quickly rushed to the opposite eaves, climbed on the eaves, and looked down to see what was going on. However, Lin Bingyan did not run to the opposite eaves. She knew Xiao Qiang's situation just now, so when she heard the noise, she hurried to Xiao Qiang's side, supported Xiao Qiang, held a pistol in one hand, took a half step forward, and blocked Xiao Qiang.

Huang Mao and Brother Ding, who ran to the eaves and looked down at the roof, just took a look and quickly retreated. Not only that, the expressions of the two after retreating were still a little panic. But soon, from the eaves on the other side, a crawling zombie climbed up directly with the help of the power of its tongue. It turned out that when the two of them lay down on the eaves, they saw more than a dozen zombies standing under the roof. What was even more terrifying was that on the outside of the wall, there was a zombie with a long tongue, which stretched directly to the ground on the roof. But if Xiao Qiang was present, he would recognize that the real scary thing was not the level 3 zombie crawling on the outside wall, but the level 4 zombie that looked a little inconspicuous among the dozen zombies standing below.

The two of them walked to Xiao Qiang in a panic. Brother Ding saw Lin Bingyan supporting Xiao Qiang and asked, "Xiao Qiang, what's wrong with you? Is everything okay? A zombie with a long tongue crawling up from the wall looks quite strong."

Xiao Qiang hurriedly pulled his hand out of Lin Bingyan's hand gently, because he didn't want to let everyone think that he was a little weak when facing a strong enemy. Lin Bingyan naturally saw Xiao Qiang's intention.

"I just supported him for a while, it's nothing." Lin Bingyan explained.

"Brother Ding, Brother Yuan, quickly command them to retreat downstairs in an orderly manner and continue to eliminate the remaining zombies downstairs. Leave this one to me. You must pay attention to safety. Bingyan, go down with them." Xiao Qiang saw the level 3 zombie climbing up and hurriedly said.

"I won't go down. I want to stay upstairs with you." Lin Bingyan said.

"Okay, Chen Yuan, come with me quickly." As he spoke, Brother Ding pulled Huangmao to the crowd to command.

The people upstairs had already discovered the powerful crawling long-tongued zombie. They no longer attacked the group of zombies downstairs, but raised their machine guns vigilantly, with the muzzle pointed at the level 3 zombie. Fortunately, there were only about 20 zombies left downstairs, and the threat was not great. Moreover, after the zombie climbed to the top of the building, it did not immediately launch an attack, but put away its long tongue, and lay on the ground, with its white eyes spinning, staring at the crowd around.

"Everyone, quickly retreat to the bottom of the building. Chen Yuan, you should also retreat with everyone. Continue to deal with the remaining zombies downstairs. After we get downstairs, Chen Yuan will be in charge." Brother Ding quickly made arrangements and shouted to everyone.

"Aren't you going down with us? Can I go down and command?" Huang Mao asked unconfidently when he heard that he was going to command.

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