Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 266: Reduced Strength (Ask for bookshelf!)

Ding is a seasoned man, so he naturally saw that Xiao Qiang was a little tired and could not exert his full strength, so he decided to stay upstairs, thinking that he was a mutant, and staying on the roof could at least provide some help. If he really couldn't beat him, he could also delay time for Xiao Qiang to escape.

Yes, although he had not known Xiao Qiang for a long time, Ding did think so. Xiao Qiang had this kind of charm that could make others willingly surround him.

"Well, I won't go down first. I will stay on the roof to deal with this zombie. You can rest assured that you will only show your momentum as the deputy team leader of Longshan Base. When you get downstairs, guard the stairs and wait for the zombies to rush up, then concentrate your firepower to shoot, and don't save bullets." Ding patted Huangmao's shoulder and said to him.

"Also, after getting rid of those zombies, don't let down your guard. Go to the bottom of the building and check carefully to see if there are any remaining zombies to ensure everyone's safety. The next thing is up to you." Ding continued.

"Okay, don't worry, there's still the team leader, why do you have to make the deputy team leader so clear?" Huang Mao complained, and rushed down with a machine gun.

"Hurry up, hurry up, run faster." Huang Mao started to shout loudly at the crowd while running.

Seeing that everyone ran to the stairs, Brother Ding also walked to Xiao Qiang's side. At this time, Xiao Qiang's physical strength had not yet fully recovered. He had the strength to walk, but if he started fighting, he could only exert the strength of a strong man at level 3 at most.

Xiao Qiang saw that everyone had evacuated, and there were only three of them on the roof. Now he could only exert the strength of a strong man at level 3. He might not be able to deal with this zombie that could be comparable to a strong man at level 6. Therefore, Xiao Qiang has begun to consider whether to take the two people and run away quickly.

"Host, are you really determined to escape? This kind of experience is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity." Xiao Qiang's idea of ​​​​escape just came out, and a pleasant voice rang out.

"But, my current physical condition may not be able to defeat this zombie." Xiao Qiang sank into the system and said helplessly to Xiao Cong.

"So this is the opportunity, host, think about it carefully. If the host recovers his physical strength and can exert the power of a strong man at level 8, then the zombie can be solved by simply relying on the suppression of strength and speed. However, in this case, the host's combat awareness and combat skills cannot be honed, and the host's potential cannot be stimulated without facing such a battle of equal strength or even a losing battle." Xiao Cong explained in detail.

Hearing Xiao Cong's words, Xiao Qiang immediately understood Xiao Cong's intention. While he was physically weak now, he would not rely on his own attribute suppression to fight the zombies, but rely on his own tricks to fight the zombies, and cooperate with his teammates to win. Moreover, the reason why Xiao Qiang just had the idea of ​​​​running away was that he was afraid that he could not protect the two with his current strength.

Standing between the two, Xiao Qiang wiped the sweat from his forehead. The weather was getting hotter and hotter, and Xiao Qiang and Ding Ge's clothes had already been soaked with sweat. However, Lin Bingyan's clothes seemed to be dry. In addition to feeling a little bit of sun, it didn't seem that hot. I don't know if it was because of the ice ability.

Taking out the Thousand Machine Umbrella from the system, turning it in his hand, feeling the current power, Xiao Qiang took a step, walked in front of the two, and said to them: "I will take the lead in a while, and you two will assist. You must pay attention to safety. If you find that the situation is not right, you can run away, and I will run away freely."

"Can you really do it? Xiao Qiang." Lin Bingyan raised the pistol and asked with some concern.

"Yeah, no problem, although I can't exert my full strength, but I feel that the three of us are enough to deal with this zombie, and I feel that my physical strength is slowly recovering."

Xiao Qiang nodded and said to the two.

Xiao Qiang's situation is that he used too much strength after using the Shattering Palm technique. Now he has recovered some of his physical strength and can use the strength of a Level 3 strong man. His physical strength is still recovering slowly. Even though he needs to use strength to deal with this zombie now, as long as he doesn't use techniques like the Shattering Palm technique, Xiao Qiang's overall physical strength is still recovering rapidly.

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