Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 267 Three people defeated the enemy (ask for bookshelf!)

"Otherwise, I should be the main attacker. I have been directing just now and have not contributed much." Brother Ding advised.

"No, your current power level is too low and you are not suitable for the main attack. I am the one who is more suitable. That's it." Xiao Qiang said decisively.

"Bingyan shoots." Xiao Qiang roared.

"Bang bang" Lin Bingyan fired two shots at the zombie. At such a close distance, no matter how bad Lin Bingyan's shooting skills were, she could still hit the direction of the zombie. Although the zombie was crawling, it was not moving at all slowly. When I saw the bullet coming, I just exerted my strength on my limbs and my whole body bounced up.

The zombie's body was flying in the air, but he felt a person leaping high above him. That person was Xiao Qiang. After yelling at Lin Bingyan to shoot, Xiao Qiang kept an eye on the zombies' movements. When the zombies leaped into the air, he jumped as high as he could, but the height of his jumps was now low. It's a lot taller, so it's just a little taller than that zombie.

He raised the Myriad Manifestation Umbrella high, jumped into the air, and used the momentum from going downstairs to hit the zombie's head hard. However, Xiao Qiang could clearly feel that the force he exerted now was much smaller than before, and the speed was also much slower. It was so slow that the Thousand Chance Umbrella in his hand had just been raised, and the zombies who noticed it had already begun to stick out their tongues from their mouths.

After all, it was an ordinary level 3 zombie. Facing Xiao Qiang, who could only exert his level 3 power, it was not surprising that he had such a reaction. However, in this case, we can also see how powerful Xiao Qiang is at level 8, and how huge the gap between levels is. The zombie stretched out its long tongue and threw it directly above his head, keeping a distance from his head to protect his head.

Xiao Qiang's Thousand Chance Umbrella (in stick form) hit the zombie's long tongue directly. Unexpectedly, Xiao Qiang only felt a strong rebound force coming from his palm, which shook his hand to the point where he could not hold it. That Thousand Chance Umbrella. At the same time, the whole person was so shaken that he was about to fall backwards. While he was in the air, the zombie's long tongue stretched out a little more and swept towards the direction of Xiao Qiang.

Xiao Qiang slammed the Thousand Manifestations Umbrella to the ground, and his whole body lay almost completely flat, barely avoiding the zombie's tongue. Then, the whole body rolled on the spot and kept a distance from the zombie. "Bang bang" two more gunshots rang out. The zombie's tongue retracted to block Lin Bingyan's bullets. Xiao Qiang then stood up and stood there holding the Thousand Chance Umbrella.

After Xiao Qiang stood firm, he understood Xiao Cong's intention and why Xiao Cong asked him to cherish such an opportunity. It was really rare. After settling down, Xiao Qiang began to recall the moves he had just made. If he could be faster and take less steps when he stood up, he would be able to attack the zombies faster.

Xiao Cong's intention is to let Xiao Qiang polish his fighting skills. Although his physical strength cannot keep up and he cannot display his own strength, his physical fitness is still as strong as before, so even if he cannot defeat zombies or is accidentally injured by zombies, It won't hurt too much.

In Xiao Qiang's future battles, he will definitely encounter zombies who are evenly matched, but the level of the zombies at that time is also very high. If Xiao Qiang cannot fight, his physical strength will not be able to withstand the zombies' attack. Therefore, Xiao Cong said that such an opportunity was rare, which meant that Xiao Qiang could take this opportunity to practice his various skills without worrying about being seriously injured by zombies. Of course, although one blow would not seriously hurt him, Xiao Qiang didn't want to be hit by zombies.

The two gunshots just now were fired by Lin Bingyan with a pistol. When she saw the crawling zombies attacking Xiao Qiang, she hurriedly shot at the zombies. After the zombie withdrew his tongue, he directly blocked the bullet. The whole body also fell directly on the ground on the roof of the building. Brother Ding, who had been standing by without taking any action, saw this and directly clasped his fists with both hands and used his superpower.

"Wood Binding"

Brother Ding roared, and saw that the zombie had just landed on the ground, and there were wooden branches sticking out from the ground on the top of the building. Since the zombie was lying on the ground, the branches rolled up several times, tightly wrapping the zombie's body on the ground.

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