Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 268 Dual Powers (Ask for the bookshelf!)

The zombie was instantly tied to the ground, shaking his body back and forth, trying to break free from the shackles of the wooden branches. Brother Ding clenched his fists, his head was sweating, and he could see that he was exerting great force, but the wooden branch Some of the branches had broken off due to the huge force of the zombies.

Seeing this, Lin Bingyan put the pistol back into her waist, clasped her hands in the same way, and used her ice power.

"Ice binding, let me add another layer on top for you." Lin Bingyan said softly.

After speaking, a circle of ice formed directly on the wooden branch, connecting the broken wood. The zombie felt the increase in the power of the restraints and struggled harder to break free. Seeing this, the two of them also increased their use of powers to keep the restraints from breaking free, but it was obviously very difficult.

Moreover, perhaps because of the hot weather and direct sunlight when standing on the roof of the building, Lin Bingyan's ice layer seemed to be much less powerful.

"Time is running out. If you wait for a while, you will be able to pass the fight directly. You must seize this opportunity to practice hard." Xiao Qiang, who was standing aside, felt that his physical strength had returned to the strong level 4. strength, Xiao Qiang muttered.

After speaking, Xiao Qiang touched the button on the Thousand Chance Umbrella and transformed the Thousand Chance Umbrella into a spear form. He took two steps upward, raised his spear, and stabbed the bound zombie at a much faster speed than before.

From the air, Xiao Qiang could clearly see that the wooden and ice layers tied to the zombies' bodies were constantly breaking apart as the zombies struggled to break free. Although the two people's abilities can be combined with each other, the level of their abilities is still too low, and their ability to restrain ordinary level 3 zombies is limited.

However, even if the zombie could break free, Xiao Qiang's Thousand Chance Umbrella was already about to pierce the zombie's body.

But just when Xiao Qiang's Thousand Chance Umbrella was about to stab the zombie, he felt a zombie suddenly jump up from the roof of the building, and pounced towards Xiao Qiang with one claw. Xiao Qiang felt that this claw was very sharp and very fast. In a panic, he had to quickly withdraw the Thousand Chance Umbrella that had been stabbed out, and put it across his chest to resist the zombie's claws.

With a "bang", the zombie's sharp claws collided heavily with the Thousand Chance Umbrella. Xiao Qiang held on to the Thousand Chance Umbrella tightly. The Thousand Chance Umbrella was not thrown out directly, but his hands were shocked. It's very painful. Xiao Qiang, on the other hand, was pushed away by the huge force and fell to the ground on the roof of the building.

After getting up, Xiao Qiang recognized the zombie as another level 4 zombie. It looked very ordinary in appearance, but he didn't expect it to be so powerful. Moreover, what Xiao Qiang didn't know was that this zombie was about to be upgraded to a normal level 5.

Xiao Qiang stood up, and Brother Ding and Lin Bingyan hurried to stand next to Xiao Qiang. The level 3 zombie had completely broken free from its restraints and was standing opposite the level 4 zombie.

Xiao Qiang moved his palms and felt that his physical strength had returned to level 5. It seemed that although the use of strength in this broken palm was relatively powerful, there were no sequelae. very fast.

"You two, be careful. This new zombie is not simple. It is even more powerful than the crawling zombie. If you can't defeat it, you are ready to retreat at any time." Xiao Qiang warned the two of them.

"Then why don't the three of us go down together? When we get down there, after you have recovered some of your strength, you can think of ways to deal with these two zombies." Lin Bingyan said to Xiao Qiang.

"No, it's such a good opportunity to practice how you can escape casually." Xiao Qiang said with a smile on his lips, looking at the two of them.

"Da da da" came the sound of machine gun fire from below the roof of the building. It seemed that Huang Mao and his men had already fought against the remaining zombies. Xiao Qiang glanced at the level 4 zombie in front of him. He was glad that this zombie did not deal with the people downstairs, otherwise it would be really unstoppable.

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