Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 269: Tempering Combat Awareness (Ask for bookshelf!)

"In a while, you two should find an opportunity to provide long-range help. Don't engage in close combat with the zombies. If the zombies get close, run away immediately. Don't worry about me. My strength has recovered a little." Xiao Qiang arranged the tactics for the two.

As he spoke, Xiao Qiang rushed forward towards the zombies with the Thousand Machine Umbrella in his hand without waiting for their reply. During the rush, Xiao Qiang used his legs to jump high. With the help of his jumping shoes, Xiao Qiang also jumped 5 meters high.

When he was in the air, the zombie crawling on the ground spit out a long tongue and attacked Xiao Qiang.


"Ding, the host uses the raid skill, proficiency +1, and the current proficiency is 23/100."

Xiao Qiang shouted loudly and used his raid skill. He flashed directly from the air behind the zombie. The long tongue of the crawling level 3 zombie hit the air and retracted the tongue.

At the same time, when Xiao Qiang rushed out, Brother Ding and Lin Bingyan behind him used their own special powers. One of them bound the body of a zombie, and the other directly bound the zombie's thigh.

After Xiao Qiang used the surprise attack skill, he was behind the level 4 zombie. When he was in the air, he had already touched the button and turned the Thousand Machine Umbrella into a knife. He held the Thousand Machine Umbrella tightly and chopped it at the zombie's head. The zombie turned around and broke free from the wooden branch tied to the zombie's feet.

Brother Ding's level was too low, and the special power he used could not bind this level 4 zombie at all.

The zombie also reacted quickly, stretched out his claws and directly grasped Xiao Qiang's Thousand Machine Umbrella. Xiao Qiang pulled the Thousand Machine Umbrella hard, but he couldn't pull it out. Simply, he jumped up and kicked the zombie twice in succession. The two kicks on the zombie's body, the zombie actually just moved back half a step.

The zombie waved the Thousand Chance Umbrella, and was about to be thrown out with Xiao Qiang. The huge force was so strong that even Xiao Qiang could not hold on, and his whole body was lifted up. After being thrown up, Xiao Qiang turned around, grabbed the zombie's shoulders with both hands, and clamped his legs to the zombie's waist. He was already behind the zombie.

He let go of the Thousand Chance Umbrella that was caught by the zombie, and took out the bone spur dagger from the system with his right hand, and pretended to attack the zombie's head. The zombie threw away the Thousand Chance Umbrella, stretched out his hand and grabbed Xiao Qiang's chest, and threw it out. Thanks to Xiao Qiang wearing the Qingfeng armor, the zombie's claws did not penetrate Xiao Qiang's body. Xiao Qiang did a backflip in the air and landed steadily on the ground.

"If the location of the raid was closer to the zombies, it would be better to put the Thousand Chance Umbrella directly against the zombies, maybe it would be able to hurt the zombies."

"After being thrown out by the zombies, it would be better if I could release the Thousand Chance Umbrella earlier, so that I could get behind the zombies faster."

"If I release the Thousand Chance Umbrella, I can directly take out two daggers from the system and stab the zombies, maybe it can also stab the zombies."

. . . . . . .

After landing, Xiao Qiang has begun to recall his previous moves and consider what can be improved. Turning to look to the side, he found that Brother Ding and Lin Bingyan were using their own superpowers to deal with the level 3 zombie next to them. Although the two could not beat the level 3 zombie, they relied on the wonders of superpowers to entangle with the zombie for a while.

After Xiao Qiang landed, he felt that his physical strength had recovered a little. He roared, picked up the Thousand Machine Umbrella, and rushed up to fight with the zombies again. Thinking that he should take advantage of this time to hone his skills.

Since there were no powerful zombies downstairs, they were all low-level zombies. After Huang Mao led people downstairs, he arranged defenses early on the 3rd floor and sent people to squat at the entrance of the stairs. In such a small position, coupled with such dense firepower, the more than 20 zombies were soon eliminated. Huang Mao arranged No. 20 people to stand guard at the entrance of the stairs in turn according to Ding Ge's deployment just now, and the others rested inside the building.

After arranging these, Huang Mao was worried about the situation on the roof, so he ran up to the roof with a machine gun.

As soon as he stepped onto the roof, he saw Xiao Qiang fighting with the level 4 zombie. The two sides fought very lively, one person and one zombie, and they were directly divided. Afterwards, the two fists collided heavily with each other, and Xiao Qiang was knocked back for a while. He slammed the Thousand Machine Umbrella in his hand heavily to the ground, and then he stabilized his body.

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