Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 270 Ice Spike Armor (ask for bookshelf!)

The zombie only took two steps back. Xiao Qiang only returned to the level 6 state of the strong man at this time, and the strength of the zombie was clearly visible at once. Although he didn't have an advantage in the scene, Xiao Qiang looked particularly excited. Huang Mao could see clearly that Xiao Qiang was still grinning.

He couldn't help but murmured: "It's so good, this blow is really good. If you didn't fight with the zombie just now, you should be able to hurt the zombie a little by rushing directly behind it."

Huang Mao next to him saw that Xiao Qiang had not taken advantage, so he raised his machine gun and fired at the zombie. The zombie jumped up slightly, indicating that it had dodged the bullet.

Seeing this, Xiao Qiang hurriedly stopped Huang Mao, fearing that the zombie would be accidentally injured by Huang Mao: "Brother Yuan, just leave this one to me. You go help Bingyan and the others."

As he spoke, Xiao Qiang hurried forward and attacked the level 4 zombie, because in this short period of time, Xiao Qiang had already recovered to level 7 and would soon be back to his own strength. .

Huang Mao looked to the side. Lin Bingyan and Brother Ding were with the crawling zombie.

In a stalemate, the zombie was tightly wrapped by three layers inside and three outside, especially the zombie's head. In order to prevent the zombie's long tongue from attacking, the zombie's head was wrapped even more tightly. Upon seeing this, Huang Mao raised the machine gun in his hand. Without even aiming, he quickly shot in the direction of the zombies.

The zombie had a long tongue, which directly broke through the restraints and blocked the incoming bullets. However, due to the two layers of restraints on it, the zombie's long tongue cannot be fully extended, and its movement is also greatly restricted.

The zombie's tongue resisted part of the bullets, but two of them hit the zombie's body. Immediately, dirty black blood flowed out, and the zombie became more violent.

On the other side, Xiao Qiang rushed forward and fought with the level 4 zombie. However, as his strength returned to level 7, it became much easier to deal with this zombie. Simply, Xiao Qiang stopped using his own skills and directly practiced his own moves with the Thousand Manifestations Umbrella.

While Xiao Qiang was dealing with the zombies, he was observing how Brother Ding and the other three were dealing with the zombies. After the zombie was enraged, it continued to struggle and became even crazier. Originally, Brother Ding and Lin Bingyan had used all their strength to control the zombie. Now with the zombie's frantic struggle, the two of them could not restrain the zombie at all, and could only watch the circles. The bonds are broken. Huang Mao on the side was still shooting continuously, but the zombie's tongue stuck out and tightly protected its head. The bullets fired by Huang Mao could not hit the zombie's head at all.

With a "bang" sound, the zombie broke free from the restraints on his body, leaving only the restraints tied to his head. The crawling zombie lightly jumped towards Lin Bingyan, but the speed was even faster than before.

As soon as Lin Bingyan saw the zombie break free from her restraints, she saw that the zombie had already run in front of her, raised its sharp claws and attacked Lin Bingyan's body, hitting Lin Bingyan's whole body. Fall to the ground.

Brother Ding and Huang Mao beside them were both startled. If this happened to them, they would not be so worried. Who is this Lin Bingyan? Anyone with a discerning eye at the base could tell that this was Xiao Qiang's girlfriend. If Lin Bingyan was injured under their noses, she would have no way to explain it to Xiao Qiang.

At that moment, the two people hurriedly ran to Lin Bingyan's side, but saw the zombie "scratch" and jump up again, keeping a short distance from Lin Bingyan and the others.

The two of them looked at Lin Bingyan and quickly helped her up from the ground. They saw that Lin Bingyan's body was covered with ice. There were spikes made of ice on her arms, and there was a streak on her neck. The bite marks of the zombies did not penetrate the layer of ice, but only left a mark on it. Lin Bingyan slowly removed the ice layer on her body, pulled out her pistol and looked at the zombie.

Seeing that Lin Bingyan was fine, Brother Ding and Huang Mao also let out a long sigh.

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