Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 271: Restoring Strength (Ask for bookshelf!)

Xiao Qiang also noticed the situation here, and couldn't help but feel a little worried. He began to speed up his movements, and he swung several powerful moves at the zombie in succession, temporarily forcing the zombie to retreat.

"Bingyan, are you okay?" Xiao Qiang turned his head and asked Lin Bingyan anxiously.

"I'm fine, the zombie didn't bite me." Lin Bingyan replied.

"Okay, I'll take care of these two zombies. The three of you go to the corner and be careful." Xiao Qiang said to the three people.

"Yeah, you also pay attention to safety." Brother Ding and the others replied.

After speaking, I felt that Xiao Qiang exuded a strong power, but he had recovered to the strength of the strong 8th level. Brother Ding and the other two naturally felt that Xiao Qiang had recovered his strength. Knowing that they could not help much, they followed Xiao Qiang's instructions and went to the corner. However, this time, Brother Ding and Huang Mao protected Lin Bingyan behind them to prevent her from being attacked again.

As soon as they finished talking, the crawling zombie broke free from the restraints on its head, and its long tongue attacked Ding Ge and the other two. Xiao Qiang jumped over and blocked the three people. Looking at the long tongue attacking, he swung the Thousand Machine Umbrella in his hand vigorously, and the speed was very fast. This powerful blow had already hit the zombie's long tongue.

Immediately, the zombie's tongue that was hit by the Thousand Machine Umbrella was bleeding. The zombie felt pain and quickly retracted its long tongue.

"I won't play with you two anymore. It's too hot. Let's stop practicing today." Xiao Qiang glanced at the two zombies in front of him and said softly.

As he spoke, Xiao Qiang rushed over, and the Thousand Machine Umbrella (spear form) in his hand was about to stab the crawling zombie. Suddenly, the level 4 zombie rushed over, blocked in front of him, stretched out his claws and clenched it, and then tightly grasped the Thousand Machine Umbrella, and then began to exert force, trying to throw Xiao Qiang away. But... This time, after Xiao Qiang recovered, his strength also increased, and the zombie could not throw Xiao Qiang away at all.

This time, Xiao Qiang did not choose to stalemate with the zombie for too long. He held the Thousand Machine Umbrella, took advantage of the force to jump up, moved his body sideways and kicked the head of the level 4 zombie with a strong kick. The speed was so fast that the zombie had no time to block. He let go of the Thousand Machine Umbrella and his whole body was kicked away.

Xiao Qiang held the Thousand Machine Umbrella and stood firmly on the ground. He took a look at the zombie that was kicked away and used the surprise attack skill directly.


"Ding, the host uses the surprise attack skill, proficiency +1, current proficiency 24/100."

Xiao Qiang used the surprise attack skill, and the whole person flashed directly to the side of the level 4 zombie that was still in the air. The Thousand Machine Umbrella in his hand smashed the zombie's body from top to bottom. There was a flash of light, and the zombie was hit hard on the ground, and even a crack was created on the ground on the roof.

With two "crackling" sounds, Xiao Qiang broke two of the zombie's ribs.

As soon as he stood still, the long tongue of the crawling zombie attacked Xiao Qiang directly. Xiao Qiang threw the Thousand Chance Umbrella in his hand upwards, and the entire Thousand Chance Umbrella was moved sideways. Xiao Qiang held it tightly in his hand. The zombie's long tongue touched Xiao Qiang's Thousand Chance Umbrella and directly entangled it. Xiao Qiang looked at the crawling zombie, exerted a little force with his hand, and pulled the zombie over. When the crawling zombie's body passed over Xiao Qiang's head, Xiao Qiang's Thousand Chance Umbrella (spear form) with the zombie's long tongue hanging on it was directly erected, and the sharp spear tip directly cut the zombie's entire body.

With a "bang", the zombie's body fell heavily to the ground, and a large pool of blood immediately flowed down from the zombie's body. The zombie's body twitched, and although its body was cut, the zombie was still not killed.

Xiao Qiang walked over and pierced the zombie's head with a spear, and the crawling zombie stopped moving.

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