Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 273 Mysterious M Company (ask for bookshelf!)

Looking from a distance, Xiao Qiang was surprised to find that this generator was similar in appearance to the intermediate generator Xiao Qiang had at Longshan Base, except that the roar of this generator was louder. Approaching the generator, Xiao Qiang could see clearly that there was a big M on the nameplate of the generator, which was actually produced by M Company. This also aroused Xiao Qiang's interest, and he wanted to go to the city to see what kind of company M Company was and why it was so similar to the items in his system.

"This generator is also very good, but it's just a little louder." Xiao Qiang followed Lin Bingyan and said while opening the storage box of the generator, and found that this generator also relied on gasoline to generate electricity.

"It looks a bit like the generator in our base, but is your generator also produced by M Company?" Lin Bingyan asked.

Xiao Qiang shook his head and then asked, "Do you know the information about M Company? It seems to have suddenly risen in the end times. According to the news spread by everyone, I heard that there are many very powerful people there."

I don't know if I saw it wrong, Xiao Qiang actually felt that Lin Bingyan's eyes flickered a little, and turned his head to the side and said, "I don't know!"

However, Xiao Qiang didn't think much about whether he knew what the relationship was with M Company. Apart from being hostile to Li Feng and others, he didn't have any major conflicts with M Company. He was just a little curious.

The two walked out of the room where the generator was placed. Xiao Qiang stood in the courtyard of the government building and looked around. He found that except for a large factory shed warehouse not far from the government building, other places were either blown up or too far away from the government building. According to Lu Bai's mentality, these materials and the like should be placed closer to him.

With Lin Bingyan, the two quickly walked to the location of the warehouse. As soon as they entered, they smelled a strong smell of gasoline. Then, they found a large amount of gasoline. The amount of gasoline made Xiao Qiang sigh. Lu Bai searched so many gas stations and saved so much. It seemed that his trip was not in vain. Now the three trucks could be filled up.

"So much gasoline is enough for our Longshan base for a while." Lin Bingyan said happily.

"Yeah. I didn't expect Lu Bai to store so much gasoline." Xiao Qiang said.

Xiao Qiang followed Lin Bingyan back to the conference room. Everyone had already eaten and were resting in groups of three or four.

"Where have you been, Xiao Qiang? I just looked for you." Brother Ding called Xiao Qiang over and asked.

Xiao Qiang followed Lin Bingyan and sat directly on the spacious sofa. It can be seen that Brother Ding reserved a place for the two of them.

"We just went out to look for the oil depot. Our trip was really worth it. Lu Bai has enough gasoline for two trucks." Xiao Qiang said to Brother Ding and others.

"So much, then we don't have to worry about the use of gasoline for the time being. What are we waiting for, let's hurry up and transport the supplies." Huang Mao spoke first.

"Yeah." Xiao Qiang nodded, "After a ten-minute break, I organized everyone to start moving supplies, first move the gasoline downstairs, and then move these food upstairs."

Soon, under the urging of Ding Ge and Huang Mao, although everyone felt comfortable staying in the house, they were still very excited to go downstairs to load gasoline. Because they also learned at the base that the base had two generators brought by Xiao Qiang, but due to the limited amount of gasoline and the need to supply the refrigerator in the cafeteria, they could not use electricity at will. If so much gasoline could be brought back, the base's electricity consumption would be slightly more relaxed.

It took nearly an hour for everyone to put all the gasoline in barrels, and put them all on the trucks together with the food upstairs, filling up two large trucks.

"Brother Ding, please take the two truckloads of supplies back to the base first." After loading the goods, Xiao Qiang decided to let Brother Ding take the supplies back first.

"Okay, no problem, I will definitely bring the supplies back safely. You go find Wang Peng and the others, and be careful on the road." As he spoke, Brother Ding got into the truck and prepared to return to the base.

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