Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 274 Sending people to rescue (ask for bookshelf!)

"Yes, after bringing it back to the base, these gasoline must be stored carefully and sent to guard it. It is best to store it separately. Xiao Qiang was worried and continued to remind them.

"Okay, don't worry." As he spoke, Brother Ding waved at them and returned to the base with two trucks of supplies.

After Xiao Qiang and his team loaded the supplies, they decided that Brother Ding would lead 50 people to the base to deliver the supplies. Xiao Qiang, Lin Bingyan and Huang Mao took 20 people and drove the remaining truck to find Wang Peng and his team. After counting the bullets, they found that there were more than 1,000 bullets left in total. Brother Ding and his team took 200 bullets, and the rest were evenly divided among the 20 people led by Xiao Qiang.

Through this fight, Xiao Qiang also understood that these military supplies are very important if he wants to deal with zombies on a large scale. Seeing that Li Feng can send so many arms to the Black Wind Base, there must be a lot of arms in the base in the urban area, which also strengthened Xiao Qiang's determination to break into the urban base.

Watching Brother Ding lead People left with the supplies. Xiao Qiang waved his hand and led them to leave the Black Wind Base and go to the city to find Wang Peng and others.

On the other side, after Li Chong sent people to Longshan Base to deliver supplies, he and others temporarily entered a family in the village to rest, waiting for those people to come again, and then loaded two trucks of supplies.

However, after just resting in the village for a while, Li Chong couldn't sit still. The fight against zombies in Sanyuan Village just now gave Li Chong great confidence. In addition, seeing that there were many zombies in the village being controlled in the streets, he felt that there was no danger in the village.

"Let's rest for another ten minutes, and then go to the gas station. Before they come, we will get rid of the zombies there. This will save time. If we can get gasoline, it will be a great achievement." Li Chong said excitedly to the remaining four people.

"Okay, no problem, Brother Chong." The four people themselves are very similar to Li Chong's personality. Hearing Li Chong's words, they all expressed their support.

"Yeah. "Li Chong nodded, glanced at the golden machete in his hand, and was full of confidence in this trip.

At this time, inside the Longshan base.

The people sent back by Li Chong to transport supplies drove two trucks of supplies into the Longshan base.

Wang Liang, Li Dian and others who were ready had already been waiting on the side. After seeing the truck stop, they waved their hands and started to move the supplies with people. However, during the transportation process, Wang Liang did not see Li Chong.

"Where is Li Chong? Why can't I see Li Chong? There are so many supplies. Where did you find them? There shouldn't be so many things in the two villages we searched? "Wang Liang asked in confusion.

"Brother Chong and he stayed in the village with 4 people. He said that after we put down these supplies, we will rush over again. These things were not only searched from the two nearby villages, but most of them were found in Sanyuan Village. "One of them got off the car and answered when he heard Wang Liang's question.

Wang Liang looked at Li Dian next to him and said, "Isn't this nonsense? Brother Qiang has repeatedly told us that Li Chong and his men are only searching in the villages we have searched. We have only been to Sanyuan Village once, so what can we do if we encounter danger? Also, we have already found two trucks of supplies, so why didn't he come back with us?"

The man saw that Wang Liang was a little angry and replied, "Brother Chong said that the search is over, so we will continue to go there, and Brother Chong and his men will explore the way there first."

"No, we have to take people over to pick up Li Chong and his men. Sanyuan Village is an unknown area. With Li Chong's strength, he can't complete the search there at all." Wang Liang turned his head and said to Li Dian next to him with a serious face.

"I will take people over, and you stay in the base. There must be someone in charge of the base. "Li Dian said to Wang Liang.

Wang Liang looked at the people who were carrying the supplies and felt that he could not get away. He patted Li Dian on the shoulder and said to him: "Okay, I will transfer 30 people from the patrol team, armed with guns and live ammunition, and send Wang Lei to you, and go there together."

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