Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 275 Send out Liu Jie (ask for bookshelf!)

"No, now all the mutant warriors in our base have gone out, and only Wang Lei is left. If Wang Lei also goes out, our base can't afford any problems. Sanyuan Village is not far from here. I'll find Li Chong and come back." Li Dian said hurriedly.

"But, Sanyuan Village has not been searched after all, and I don't know if you will encounter powerful zombies. If you encounter danger, I'm afraid you will find it difficult to resist the zombies." Wang Liang said with some concern.

"I can go with Brother Li Dian." While the two were talking, a voice came over.

The two turned their heads and looked back, and saw that the person who spoke was Liu Jie who came to Longshan Base with Li Ke.

Liu Jie was still wearing a coat in the hot weather, covering his mouth with his hands, and coughing from time to time. However, although Liu Jie was young and looked a little weak, he was a level 3 supernatural power. Although Xiao Qiang had not seen Liu Jie's supernatural power, Wang Liang had seen it, and Liu Jie's supernatural power was also very powerful.

"Xiao Jie, your strength is indeed very strong, but is your body okay? Wang Liang touched Liu Jie's head and squatted down to ask him.

"Ahem, Brother Wang Liang, I'm fine, I can definitely follow." Liu Jie coughed twice again and said to Wang Liang.

"Yeah." Wang Liang nodded and continued: "Then when you get there, you must follow Brother Li Dian closely. If you encounter zombies that you can't beat, you can run away quickly by yourself. Do you understand?"

If it weren't for the fact that he couldn't send anyone, Wang Liang would never let Liu Jie go with him. However, this also shows that Liu Jie's supernatural power is indeed powerful, which makes Wang Liang feel at ease to send him there.

"Yeah. Okay, Brother Wang Liang. "Liu Jie agreed.

Li Dian had just come from the Black Wind Base not long ago, so he didn't know Liu Jie's strength, but since Wang Liang trusted him so much, he didn't have much to say.

After deciding on the candidate, Wang Liang quickly prepared the vehicle and weapons. Li Dian said hello to Wang Liang and got in the car to set off for Sanyuan Village.

"Brother Liu Jie, you must be careful when you go there!" A little baby voice came from behind.

Liu Jie looked back and saw Xiao Guang holding Xiao Shu Tong's hand and walking towards Liu Jie. There were not many children in Longshan Base, so the three of them often played together.

Running to the two of them, Xiao Guang stretched out his fist: "Congratulations, you finally achieved your wish and can go out to fight zombies and contribute to the base. However, when you go out and encounter zombies, don't show off, and be sure to pay attention to safety. "

"Thank you both, I will pay attention to safety, and you should also pay attention to safety at the base. "Liu Jie touched Xiao Shutong's head and said to the two people.

"I really envy you for being able to fight zombies on behalf of the base. I wonder when Brother Xiao Qiang will allow me to go out to fight zombies." Xiao Guang looked at Liu Jie and said.

"Hehe, don't worry, we will be allowed to go out when we grow up." Liu Jie coughed twice and said to Xiao Guang.

"Xiao Jie, it's time for us to leave." Li Dian stood beside the car and shouted to Liu Jie.

"Here we go!" Liu Jie answered, and turned his head to the two and said, "Brother Li Dian called me. When I come back, I will tell you what happened outside."

"Yeah, go quickly. "The two of them spoke to Liu Jie.

Li Dian followed Wang Liang and said hello, and then took No. 30 people to Sanyuan Village.

Inside Sanyuan Village.

Li Chong saw that everyone had rested enough, so he called the other four people and set off to the gas station.

Since Sanyuan Village is close to the road, there is a gas station at the entrance of the village, but this gas station is on the other side of the village, not in the same location as the supermarket.

Several people drove a car and moved along the road in the village towards the gas station. Along the way, everyone did not encounter even a zombie, so they were still joking in the car, and the atmosphere was very relaxed.

However, as soon as they stepped into the other end of the village, they could clearly hear the howling of zombies. The people in the car immediately hugged the machine guns, stopped talking, and looked out of the car nervously.

"Don't be afraid, there are not many zombies, most of them are trapped on that street. "Li Chong saw this and said to several people.

"Brother Chong, from the sound, it seems that there are quite a lot of zombies. Should we wait for those who went to the base to return before going over?" The man driving the car advised Li Chong.

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