Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 276 Impulsive Li Chong (Ask for bookshelf!)

"No need. We have guns in our hands. What are we afraid of? Besides, if you can't beat the zombies, just drive away and I'll help the zombies." Li Chong continued.

Hearing what Li Chong said, the other people didn't know what to say. As they got closer to the gas station, the zombies' howling became clearer and louder, and the atmosphere in the car was no longer as relaxed as before. The car drove to the side of the gas station, and gradually encountered zombies running towards the car on the road, but the number was small, and they were all solved by everyone shooting.

In fact, Li Chong was also wondering whether he should follow the others to rush over, but the words had been said, and even if he couldn't beat them, he had a golden machete in his hand, so he could just resist for a while and drive away.

Soon, the few people drove to the vicinity of the gas station, and saw from a distance that there were nearly 100 zombies wandering around the gas station, and they kept making "wow" howling sounds.

The gas station was not directly next to the roadside, but nearly 100 meters away from the roadside. Two roads were built along the gas station to facilitate the cars to refuel at the gas station. Inside the gas station, there were still some cars parked there in a mess, but under the impact of the zombies, those cars were already in tatters.

"Brother Chong, there are so many zombies, why don't we hide for a while, wait for the returnees to come, and then kill these zombies at once, and take down this gas station directly?" Someone in the car began to persuade Li Chong.

Li Chong was a little hesitant when he saw so many zombies, and he didn't know whether he should rush up. However, he thought again that since there were so many zombies here, it meant that the gas station here had not been searched. Moreover, he had just solved more than 70 zombies at the entrance of the supermarket by himself, and there were only 100 zombies here in total, so what was there to be afraid of.

"No need to hide. I can handle these zombies by myself. The car will stop here in a while. You can shoot at the zombies from a distance. I will deal with them." Li Chong said impatiently to the others.

"Okay, Brother Chong, then you should be careful." Seeing this, the others did not persuade him again. After all, they had just seen Li Chong's strength.

However, Li Chong forgot that he dared to deal with the zombies in the supermarket just now because he had 30 people with guns and live ammunition, and Li Chong also carefully observed the nearby roads. Here, Li Chong just looked at the gas station and determined that there were only nearly 100 zombies nearby, without checking carefully. Moreover, if Brother Ding was present, with so few people, he would not park the car so far away, not for anything else, just to be able to get on the car and escape quickly when he couldn't beat them.

Several people got off the car quietly and arrived near a resident's house, where several cars were parked horizontally on the road.

"You guys are shooting here, be sure to pay attention to safety, I will go in and deal with the zombies directly." Li Chong reminded him, and then he walked towards the gas station with his golden machete.

As soon as he stepped into the gas station, a zombie heard the noise and rushed towards Li Chong with his claws raised.

"Haha, come on, let's kill them today." Li Chong was excited and shouted at the zombies loudly.

As he spoke, Li Chong jumped high, raised the golden machete weighing more than 60 kilograms without any effort, and chopped it down on the zombie's head. With a "puff", under Li Chong's huge force, he directly cut off the zombie's head with one knife, and at the same time, the machete directly chopped into a car, and the sharp blade directly cut the car skin.

Li Chong completely ignored these, pulled out his machete, rushed into the zombie group, and started to chop and kill those zombies.

Li Chong basically didn't have any moves. Xiao Qiang had taught him a few moves when he was at the base. However, Li Chong felt that he was strong enough and there was no need to use these moves, so he didn't learn them well.

Standing in the zombie group, Li Chong basically opened and closed his arms, relying on his own strength to swing the golden-backed machete vigorously. For a moment, with his abundant physical strength, the zombies couldn't get close to him.

When Li Chong used his moves, people would feel very powerful. If he used them against ordinary people, they would probably be scared and dare not get close to Li Chong. But these low-level zombies didn't have that kind of consciousness at all. Even though Li Chong's feet were full of zombie corpses and broken limbs everywhere, these zombies still kept attacking Li Chong's position.

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