Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 277: Trapped in a Zombie Swarm (Request a Bookshelf!)

The other four people, seeing Li Chong rushing towards the zombies, quickly picked up their machine guns and attacked the zombies that were far away from Li Chong. However, even if the people who returned to the base left the bullets to them, each person only had 50 bullets on average.

At the beginning, the four people were able to help Li Chong a little, aiming and using bursts to deal with the zombies surrounding them. However, soon the zombies heard the gunshots here, and some zombies began to run towards them. When they saw the zombies running towards them, they were a little panicked, raised their machine guns and pulled the trigger at the zombies, not caring about aiming.

In this way, the use of bullets was accelerated, and it was also thanks to the car blocking them in front, otherwise they would probably start shooting directly, and use up all the bullets in one round.

Standing in the encirclement formed by the zombies, listening to the increasingly fast shooting sound of bullets, Li Chong also swung the machete quickly and with all his strength from the beginning, and the speed slowed down. Li Chong also felt a little sore in his arms, after all, he had been swinging the machete with all his strength for such a long time. However, what surprised Li Chong was that he had at least solved more than 70 zombies, but the pressure from those zombies did not ease at all, and he felt that the number of zombies around him increased.

The four people who were shooting on the side also felt that they were facing more and more zombies. At a glance, they saw zombies rushing towards both sides from various road intersections. The four people increased the speed of the sweep, and soon, someone ran out of bullets.

"Brother Chong, the bullets are used up, and there are more and more zombies. Let's run quickly." One of them shouted at Li Chong.

After hearing the shout, Li Chong raised the machete and swung it several times, knocking the zombies around him to the ground, making room, and looking around. Only then did he find that more and more zombies were rushing over, almost filling up the entire gas station, and there were still many zombies rushing towards the location of the other four people. Moreover, zombies kept rushing over from all directions.

Li Chong felt a little panicked at this moment. He was too arrogant and did not check the situation around him. He began to command his few people to attack the zombies. Now there were more and more zombies. If he did not run away, he would obviously be surrounded.

After continuously chopping down several zombies around him, Li Chong felt that his body was a little tired because he had just exerted too much effort. But he did not dare to be careless. While chopping and killing zombies, he ran towards the other four people. However, the road was already crowded with many zombies, and for a while, Li Chong could not rush over.

"Run, get in the car and run." Li Chong shouted loudly to the other four people in the zombie group.

With a "click", the last bullet in the guns of several people was also used up. But those zombies still rushed to the front of several people very quickly. Several people picked up the machine guns in their hands and began to hit the zombies. While hitting, they quickly ran towards the car.

However, soon there were more and more zombies. One zombie raised its claws and was about to pierce the back of one of them.

Li Chong, who was still surrounded by zombies behind him and running towards this side, saw this and directly chopped down several zombies around him. He used his legs to jump high. Because he was a level 3 strong man, Li Chong also jumped more than two meters high, about the top of the zombies' heads, and directly chopped down the zombie with one knife.

The other few people heard the movement and turned their heads to see Li Chong standing behind them, holding the golden back machete horizontally in his hand, constantly slashing at the zombies, blocking the zombies' attack.

At this time, Li Chong had fully realized his mistake. Before setting off, Xiao Qiang had repeatedly reminded him not to have casualties. If these people were all injured by zombies at this moment, he really couldn't explain to Xiao Qiang. So, at this moment, Li Chong swung his sword completely, not caring about the pain in his arm, thinking that it didn't matter to him, at least he could let them escape.

With Li Chong temporarily blocking them from behind, the few people also ran to the side of the car smoothly and got into the car.

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