Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 278: All Besieged (Ask for the bookshelf!)

"Brother Chong, come here quickly, we are all running to the car." The people in the car shouted to Li Chong.

Li Chong looked around, the zombies had rushed over from both sides, and surrounded him again. Because of his attraction here, only a few zombies chased towards the car, but if he went over, these zombies would definitely follow him.

"You guys run quickly, and when you return to the base, let Brother Qiang send someone to rescue me, otherwise no one can leave." Li Chong didn't actually want them to send someone to rescue him, but he felt that if he didn't say so, they would definitely not leave.

Those people looked at Li Chong, who was fighting very hard in the zombie group, waving his big knife vigorously. For a while, those zombies couldn't even get close to Li Chong. A few people stayed and couldn't provide help, so they were relieved at the moment.

"Brother Chong, hold on, we will be back soon." As they said this, they stepped on the accelerator and rushed out.

There were two zombies chasing in front of him, but they just missed and fell to the ground.

In fact, although Li Chong was reckless, he was very loyal. Just now, he just pretended to be relaxed in order to let a few people escape. His arms were already very sore from swinging the machete continuously. After seeing a few people driving away, in order to prevent the zombies from chasing them, Li Chong dealt with the zombies while moving towards the gas station, trying to attract all the zombies.

Walking to a residential house next to the gas station, he saw a ladder hanging in the air on the wall next to the eaves of the house.

In a hurry, Li Chong shook off the zombies around him, jumped hard, and stretched out his hand to grab the hanging ladder. Holding the ladder in one hand and the golden machete in the other, he climbed up to the roof along the ladder with his strong arm strength. When he reached the roof, he prevented the zombies from coming up the ladder and directly cut the ladder with one knife.

After reaching the roof, Li Chong finally sat on the eaves, panting heavily. In this way, every blow was made with all his strength, which was a great consumption of Li Chong's physical strength. After reaching a safe place, Li Chong felt the fatigue of his body.

"If I had known earlier, I would have learned a few moves from Brother Qiang, and I wouldn't have been so tired to fight zombies. However, it was also thanks to this ladder that I was able to climb to the roof, otherwise I would have been eaten by zombies." Li Chong thought while sitting on the eaves.

Looking at the bottom of the roof, at this moment, the zombies almost occupied the entire road. From the nearby trails, zombies kept rushing over, constantly crowding, holding up their claws, standing under the roof, and howling at Li Chong.

No wonder Li Chong and his team did not encounter large-scale zombies when searching for the supermarket on the other side of the village. It turned out that they all ran here. There were so many zombies, it felt like half of the zombies in the village were here, at least more than 2,000.

However, Li Chong had only been sitting on the eaves for a short while before he could no longer sit. Under the roof, as more and more zombies were besieging, the zombies behind were stepping on the zombies in front and rushing up. If this continued, the zombies would soon be able to rush to the roof.

Li Chong hurriedly picked up the golden-backed machete and smashed it at the zombies below. With a "crash", the zombies instantly fell to the ground. However, there were too many zombies below. After dealing with the zombies on this side, the zombies on the other side rushed up again. There was no choice but for Li Chong to flee to the eaves on the other side to find a way out.

The four people who ran out of the village had just left the village and had only run more than 200 meters when they met Li Dian and others who came to support them. They hurriedly stopped the car and told everyone what had happened.

When Li Dian heard this, he became anxious. On the one hand, he was dissatisfied with Li Chong's decision to take four people to search for supplies. On the other hand, he was worried about Li Chong's safety.

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