Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 279 Rescue Li Chong (Ask for bookshelf!)

"Where is Li Chong now? How many zombies are there?" Li Dian calmed himself down and asked in a deep voice.

"When we came out just now, Chong was not far from the gas station and was besieged by zombies. The number of zombies, roughly estimated, must be more than 2,000, but there are still zombies rushing over from other places." One of the men said to Li Dian.

"With so many zombies, we have to think of a good countermeasure." Li Dian looked at the men and began to think of a countermeasure.

"What countermeasures are there? We have guns, just use them to fight those zombies." One of the men who ran out shouted anxiously to Li Dian.

"Stupid! Li Chong is stupid, and you are stupid too. With so many zombies, let alone our 30 people, even if there are twice as many people, it will be useless to rush over. When Brother Qiang comes back, see how he will deal with you." Li Dian shouted angrily.

After being yelled at by Li Dian, the few people stopped talking immediately. After all, they were wrong first, and what Li Dian said was also reasonable. They were too anxious just now.

"You said, there is a gas station next to Brother Chong now. Can that gas station be sure whether there is gasoline? And are there zombies in that gas station?" Liu Jie on the side asked.

"Yes, a few of us were originally going to search for supplies in that gas station. Before we went there, there were nearly 100 zombies in that gas station. It doesn't look like it has been searched, and there should be a lot of gasoline. Before we came out, Brother Chong was fighting zombies in the residential area next to the gas station. Those zombies should have been attracted there. There shouldn't be many zombies in the gas station." One of them answered.

When Li Dian heard Liu Jie's question, he understood Liu Jie's intention, patted Liu Jie's head, smiled slightly, and said, "Xiao Jie, you did a good job."

As he spoke, Li Dian stood on the high ground of the road, looked at the location of the gas station in the village, and checked the road over there.

There is a main road leading into the village, and the gas station has two separate roads leading to refueling. The other side of the gas station faces the village. Li Dian took a look and quickly came up with an idea.

He gathered everyone around him and told them the plan. Everyone nodded, saying that the plan was feasible.

At the same time, Li Dian walked to the side of the four people who escaped, looked at them, and said, "Since you four like to fight hard, then this task will be handed over to you."

"In a while, the four of you will drive a pickup truck, take a machine gun, and go to where Li Chong is. On the one hand, you need to inform Li Chong that the rescue has arrived and let him hold on. On the other hand, it is your responsibility to attract the zombies to the location of the gas station, and then quickly escape. Can this task be done?" Li Dian said to the few people.

Li Dian drove a total of 3 cars this time, including a small truck. Counting the car that the four of them drove out when they escaped, there are now a total of 4 cars.

"No problem, don't worry, Brother Dian, we'll take care of this."

"Don't worry, even if we get hurt, we'll lead the zombies over."

. . . . . .

The four men immediately agreed and said they could complete the task.

"Remember, none of you four can get off the car, and the car can't stop. I'll give each of you 100 bullets. Shoot as soon as you see the zombies. Use up all the bullets. The louder the noise, the better. Also, you must pay attention to safety. Do you understand?" Li Dian said to the men in an unquestionable tone.

"I understand." The men answered in unison.

As they spoke, the men took the bullets and drove the pickup truck to the village. Li Dian and the others drove the remaining vehicles along the road to the gas station to make arrangements in advance.

Arriving at the gas station, Li Dian didn't dare to waste time. He jumped out of the car and asked the driver to turn the car around quickly, and there was a certain distance from the gas station. The car was not turned off, so that everyone could escape at any time.

Li Dian walked to the side of a refueling equipment, picked up the oil gun from the ground, tried to squeeze it, and found that oil could be sprayed out from it.

While observing the situation of the oil gun, two "cough cough" sounds were heard, and Li Dian realized that Liu Jie also ran out of the car. According to Li Dian's arrangement, Liu Jie and the driver were supposed to wait in the car together.

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