Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 281 Rescue Li Chong (Ask for bookshelf!)

Li Dian stood in the gas station and saw from a distance that a large group of zombies were following the pickup truck and rushing over at full speed.

He quickly waved to the people on the pickup truck and said, "Here, here, come here quickly."

The driver saw Li Dian waving and rushed into the gas station. He braked suddenly and the car drifted sideways and hit the cars blocking the road.

Everyone in the car was a little dazed by the collision, but Li Dian pulled them out of the car directly, because the zombies were already chasing them, and they quickly passed through along the small path left. Seeing that everyone had come, the people who had been waiting here drove a car directly and blocked the entrance.

With a "puff", those people fell down one after another.

"Why is it so slippery? Why is the smell of gasoline so strong?" These people just ran away and didn't pay attention to the situation under their feet.

"The ground is full of gasoline, pay attention to safety, it is used to detonate the gas station." Li Dian warned.

Before they could run out completely, they heard the sound of the zombies behind them hitting the cars. Because there were too many zombies and no one shot to stop them, the cars were knocked back and the cars were knocked crooked.

Li Dian looked back and hurriedly urged everyone to run to the parking lot. However, because the ground was full of gasoline and too smooth, everyone supported each other and rushed out.

After leaving the gas station and reaching the concrete ground of the road, several people sped up and ran towards the parking lot with all their strength.

When they were about to reach the car, Li Dian waved his hand and shouted, "Shoot quickly, shoot quickly."

"Tatt, tatt", after hearing Li Dian's words, everyone took out the machine gun and started shooting in the direction of the gas station.

The bullets hit the ground of the gas station, and the sparks that bounced directly ignited the gasoline on the ground, and then, along with the gasoline on the ground, ignited the refueling equipment. Finally, the oil depot under the gas station was directly detonated, and a big explosion occurred with a "boom".

The entire gas station was immediately engulfed in flames, and the cars and houses inside were directly overturned by the explosion. The more than 2,000 zombies inside had broken through the defense of the car, but were all surrounded by the explosion and fell into the sea of ​​fire. From the location of the gas station, the zombies' "wow" howling sound came out.

The power generated by the explosion was so strong that everyone on the road could feel the air wave generated by the explosion.

Li Dian waved his hand and saw that there were only a dozen zombies chasing him from behind. He quickly called everyone to get in the car, and at the same time, arranged for people to shoot at the zombies behind him.

At this time, it was already afternoon, and the weather was still very hot. And because of the heat wave generated by the explosion of the gas station, everyone was sweating. Especially Li Dian and his team, who crawled over from the gasoline ground, sweated a little, and were greasy all over, which was very uncomfortable.

When the car reached the entrance of the village, a man was seen running forward on the road with a machete on his back. That man was Li Chong.

"Li Chong, get in the car quickly, let's go back to the base." Li Dian shouted to Li Chong.

"Okay." After seeing everyone clearly, Li Chong jumped onto the small truck without waiting for the car to stop.

"Did you guys cause the explosion just now? It's so cool. So many zombies were solved at once, but it's a pity for the gasoline." Li Chong seemed to have forgotten the danger just now. He got in the car and started talking carelessly.

"Hey, what's wrong with you guys? Why are you all greasy?" Li Chong continued to tease.

"You still have the nerve to say that? It's all to save you. Wait until Brother Qiang comes back and see how he punishes you." Li Dian looked at Li Chong and said helplessly and unhappily.

Li Chong also knew that he had done something wrong. He pouted and stopped talking when he sat in the car.

The car was speeding towards the base. Before it had gone far, Li Dian and others saw an object flying past the car at a high speed, rushing to the side of the first car, and directly scratching a long mark on the body of the car, forcing the car to stop.

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