Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 282: Encountering Zombies on the Road (Ask for bookshelf!)

The small truck that Li Dian and his companions were in also braked suddenly and stopped the car on the road. Li Dian and his companions rushed forward and hit Li Chong's body.

However, everyone still reacted very quickly. They jumped out of the car with weapons and ran to the front to see what was going on.

Several people ran directly to the position of the car with weapons. They saw a long claw mark on the body of the car. The claws were so strong that they even cut through the iron sheet of the car.

"What's the situation? Are you all okay?" Li Chong said to the people in the car.

"It's all right. Just now, an object suddenly rushed over, faster than the car, and scratched the car directly, even the door was scratched through. The sound was very harsh. It seems that it was a zombie that scratched it with its claws." Everyone in the car was also startled, and even their voices were trembling.

Li Dian looked at the car and said to everyone, "Drive quickly and return to the base."

As he was talking, Dian was about to take everyone back to the van, but he heard the driver in the car say, "Brother Dian, the car is off. Why can't it start?"

"What? What's going on?" Li Dian asked in confusion.

"Brother Dian, look ahead." Someone in the car pointed to the front and said.

Li Dian looked forward and saw a zombie jump out from under the car with a "squeak" and stood directly in front of the car. The female zombie, with disheveled hair and a very fat body, rolled her eyes and looked at Li Dian and the others. From time to time, her mouth opened and a foul-smelling dark green liquid flowed out of her mouth. The most peculiar thing about the zombie is her pair of claws. The claws are not very long, but they are extremely hard and sharp.

"Come out quickly, get on the small truck behind you, and head towards the base. Shoot, shoot." Seeing the zombie, Li Dian understood that it must be this zombie that destroyed the car. Moreover, this zombie is very powerful, so Li Dian hurriedly spoke to the people in the car.

If Xiao Qiang was present at this moment, he would definitely easily identify that it was a level 3 zombie in front of him through the binocular recognition function.

Hearing Li Dian's words, everyone in the car hurriedly opened the door and ran towards the small truck behind. The rest of the people stretched out their machine guns and fired at the zombie in front.

The sound of the machine gun shooting immediately sounded like firecrackers, and it was endless. However, when the bullet hit the zombie, it was blocked by the zombie's claws. If you look closely, you will find that some bullets were actually split in half by the zombie's claws.

Suddenly, a lot of bullets were fired, but none of them even hit the zombies. The bullets that approached the zombies were all blocked by the zombies' claws. Instead, the bullets hit the concrete floor, "crackling" and making a lot of holes.

Seeing that even the machine guns could not hurt the zombies, Li Dian quickly raised his hands and shouted to everyone: "Everyone, get in the car quickly."

Others naturally saw the power of the zombies, and after hearing Li Dian's words, they quickly ran to the car.

However, after the zombie blocked the bullets for a while, its white eyeballs rolled around and stared at Li Dian. Then, with its claws open and a cold light flashing, it rushed towards Li Dian.

Li Dian was just an ordinary person. Seeing the zombie running over at a fast speed, he was a little panicked all of a sudden. He raised his pistol and pulled the trigger continuously at the zombie. The sound of "click-click-click" rang out, but there was no way to hit the zombie.

Soon, the zombie rushed in front of Li Dian, so fast that Li Dian had no time to dodge. He saw that the claws had reached his head, and the cold light flashed, and it was about to stab his head. Li Dian closed his eyes, waiting for the zombie's claws to break through his head.

"Alas, I didn't expect to be killed by zombies as soon as I arrived at the base. It's just a pity. It's really interesting to stay in such a base. The base will definitely be very lively in the future. Speaking of which, Xiao Qiang is really a good kid." Li Dian closed his eyes and began to think about these things in his heart.

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