Doomsday All-Powerful Upgrade

Chapter 283 Liu Jie takes action (ask for bookshelf!)

However, after a while, Li Dian still did not wait for the pain brought by the zombie's claws. He slowly opened his eyes and found a big man standing in front of him. He was very strong, with his back to him, holding a golden machete, and holding the zombie's claws. His hands holding the golden machete were still shaking. Who else could this man be but Li Chong?

"If you want to sleep, go back to the base and sleep. Now take them away quickly. This zombie is very powerful. I can't beat him. I can't hold him here for long." Li Chong turned his head and said to Li Dian.

This zombie is of ordinary level 3 strength, and Li Chong is only a strong level 3. Although Li Chong is more of a strength type, he feels that he can't resist the power of the zombies when he fights with the zombies. Li Dian naturally saw how powerful the zombies were, but if he didn't leave now, these people might be left here by the zombies.

"Come on, you must hold on." As he said this, Li Dian ran to the side of another car.

"You guys get off too, and take the pickup truck." As he spoke, Li Dian opened the door and sat in the driver's seat.

The two cars started quickly, and while Li Chong was fighting the zombies, they sped past.

The zombie saw two cars passing by, jumped up slightly, and was about to attack the car. Seeing this, Li Chong jumped up directly, raised the golden-backed machete in his hand, and chopped it down on the zombie's head.

The zombie could only turn around to block the golden-backed machete, and with a "bang", the zombie's claws collided with the golden-backed machete. The two separated as soon as they touched, and Li Chong felt that both hands holding the machete were a little painful. He looked down and found that his hands had been shaken and bled. Li Chong shook his hands and moved his sore palms.

In fact, as soon as they fought, Li Chong knew that he was no match for this zombie, but he had no way to escape with everyone else. He knew that if he didn't stop them here for a while, they would probably have to stay.

Li Chong clenched the golden-backed machete and fought with the zombie again, but it was obvious that Li Chong was completely suppressed. Of course, this was also thanks to the golden-backed machete in hand, otherwise Li Chong would have been torn to pieces by the zombie's claws.

On the other side, Li Dian and everyone stepped on the accelerator to the bottom, but did not return to the base. He drove directly to a small hillside beside the road. Except for the driver who stayed in the car, the others were lying on the hillside, staring at the situation below. They came to save Li Chong, how could they go back like this? It was just that they were too close to the zombies just now, and they were afraid of accidentally hurting people, so Li Dian thought of taking people to a high place to deal with the zombies.

"Pay attention, be ready to shoot at any time to help Li Chong deal with the zombies. But be careful, you must aim when shooting, they are fighting too close, don't hurt Li Chong by mistake." Li Dian, who was lying on the hillside, looked at everyone and said.

"Okay." Everyone lying on the hillside responded in a low voice.

"Hey, where is Xiao Jie? Why can't I see Xiao Jie?" Li Dian looked around and found that Liu Jie was not in the car, nor did he lie on the hillside with everyone, so he asked.

"When we were there just now, Xiao Jie got off the car." One of them pointed to the broken road below and said.

"Why didn't you say it just now." Li Dian said angrily.

"I thought he got on the truck, but who knew he stayed down there." The man explained.

"Alas," Li Dian sighed, it seems that Liu Jie went down to help Li Chong deal with the zombies. Wang Liang trusted Liu Jie so much and dared to send Liu Jie to help here. I guess Liu Jie must have something extraordinary.

On the road, Li Chong was still entangled with the zombie. After seeing that the cars had gone far away, Li Chong fought hard and blocked the zombie. He originally wanted to run away quickly, but before he ran two steps, the zombie caught up with him and attacked Li Chong with one claw. Li Chong had no choice but to turn around, grit his teeth, and raise the golden back machete to fight with the zombie. After knowing that he was not as fast as the zombie, Li Chong no longer thought about running away.

With a "bang", the golden back machete collided heavily with the zombie's claws again, and the huge force generated made Li Chong unable to hold the machete.

"Tatt, tatt", Li Chong, who had blocked the zombie for a certain distance, heard a few gunshots, and saw dense bullets shooting towards the zombie, and the zombie raised its claws to block the bullets.

Li Chong looked at the location of the sound and found that it was Li Dian and others, so he waved. He stood there, holding the knife, breathing heavily.

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